Jewel Robbery (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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HE WAS THERE TO TAKE — and SHE WAS WILLING TO GIVE! He stole her JEWELS— but that wasn’t ALL! ea WILLIAM POWELL “FRANCIS \ Intimate revelations of a boudoir bandit! SEE IT ST RA A D A Warner Bros. TODAY Star Hit! Out No.13 Out40c Mat10c What was it this romantic thief stole that made her husband swear to KILL him? You'll find out Thursday when the year’s paps ooaoonavexrooxoecca perfect entertainment IMMUNE FROM © O comes to town. THE LAW.... 8) The daring exploits of $3 TWO GREAT STARS BUT NOT FROM » a boudoir bandit who 2 IN ONE GREAT HIT! LOVE! A Warner Bros. =s Picture A© Warner Bros. Scintillating () : Romantic Hit! THE HIT OF errr — Cut No.19 O02 Beginning . THURSDA Seto lum, NITE at 10 T AN Pec, & aah OUNDONAUOORDROGEDRECROENUOGEDOOEDANELSREDETCQONGDEAOONCGAUUGAGUOTVEOOGENUL! it i] ANUVUNDDORSOUEUEOUUUOEGUOEROUNTEOGRDDUGSOONDOENTQORDUOUDUGESODOGUENUOORDOECHUNOEOUUDOGESOUEGOGOEOUELELUNSUOEEEOUEOG snnenneaesl HOUOREOURUAUERONESUNCRGRSAUNUSaOOE annauuaeentenel bauecasensegncane SGREOEERAGEU DANE GRONNS sneguaenaneuianle It it PTT SULONEESUOOOUCENODUUDSSSONCSDUQAUGESUSROULOESSOLEGDISOCOERDUGEOG AUUELENUEDNSUDNOOHUEA DUEEDUNET HONDO ANCA NOEOUEOE DEE PL juunnenneeel eneeunennN uuenauanonuaoananll iT} Out No.27 Out40c Mati10c STRAND CHa HenHaene ~~ eeeeeetercetecae EN POWELL | | FRANCIS | in their iS 2 oe THE STAR MERGER ; : YOU'VE WAITED FOR! wu POWELL J | BOBBERY’ Cut No.17 Out20c Mat dic Powell as a romantic scoundrel .. . Kay Francis as a love-hungry baroness — inthe A } | naughtiest, sauciest, wittiest picture B’ & in history! at 10 STR AN D 47th. St. TONITE 35°, °°. Cut No.26 Out60c Matiie Page Eight