June Bride (Warner Bros.) (1948)

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‘TTS A WOW FROM BEGINNING TO END!" sootforee BETTE ROBERT | DAVIS*MONTGOMERY: ~ She wanted the wedding 4 be nj She REarty gor 4, re eA Soeettione ng woe Soo: Ss SMe ese OEM" ANE a seleheteceei: arataretetareretatatene seeggee eS OU eR RCO RSS LOS > Bi times a Yearl A DIFFERENT BETTE! ITS LIKE FALLING IN LOVE WITH A slabs STAR! L. Ee ea aS “so c Eee, By = eh Ss MUNK OF HILARITY R cue ’ semaine WHERE'S THE BIGGEST WARNER BROS.e* FAY BAINTER sr BRETA AE WANDUST HENRY BIANKE. Screen Play by Ranald MacDougall Based on a Play by Eileen Tighe and Graeme Lorimer Mat 302—3 cols. x 714 inches (297 lines) This ad also in four-column size. See page 9. “ The comedy of the year!” j MOTION PICTURE MAG. ... FAY BAINTERSEwYStN srsaterarsumzuuooe-soes BRETAGNE WINDUST HENRY BLANKE Mat 202—2 cols. x 454 inches (128 lines)