Kansas City Princess (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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ath, eet SSS ne ee I EE THE “DAMES STARS IN GAY PAREE! What a riot when two manhandling manicurists from the midwest start trimming mugs and polishing suckers in the shade of the old Eiffel Tower! il ss Warner Bros.’ Laff Riot with the Comedy Stars of “DAMES” JOAN BLONDELL * HUGH HERBERT GLENDA FARRELL ROB’T ARMSTRONG OSGOOD PERKINS THEATRE 224 Lines ec Mat No. 8—20c Se. A WATCH THE “HAVANA WIDOWS” COLLECT THE FRENCH WAR DEBT (= y => \ (By oA AlMY 216 Lines ...franc by franc—and John by John! J \\/ but don’t put rege \ ® ® e e \’ thing in writing! \\W Warner Bros.’ Hit with the . Comedy Stars of “DAMES” JOAN BLONDELL HUGH HERBERT GLENDA FARRELL ROBERT E ARMSTRONG OSGOOD PERKINS Mat No. 6—30c TWO MAN-EATING MANI-” GURISTS ON THE LOOSE! Trimming their way from Kansas City to Gay Paree! Watch them pick up a millionaire and let down an alderman as they collect the French war debt — franc by franc and John by John! RW Il Fe’, yy WY Py Le G/ fer ' V9 My Y U/l rs 7 np 7 (but bring your lawyer with you!) Warner Bres.’ Hit with the Comedy Stars of “DAMES” JOAN BLONDELL * HUGH HERBERT GLENDA FARRELL-ROB’T ARMSTRONGOSGOOD PERKINS 244 Lines Mat No. 5—20c T WE w(t es yg ae eo | THE COMEDY STARS. OF “DAMES” IN A BIG HIT ALL THEIR OWN! KANSAS CITY PRINCESS Warner Bros.’ Laff Riot.with JOAN BLONDELL*HUGH HERBERT F and GLENDA FARRELL 120 Lines Mat No. 17—20c Page Three