Kid from Kokomo (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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[t°s Latts .... FROM LOBBY DISPLAYS TO BALLYHOO SUCCEED CC CTE Cee AD NEWS FLASH KD GALAHAD BATTLES Five column ad on page 13, Mat 501, may also be used as a tabloid news herald for local distribution or as lobby display. Set type for “‘News Flash’’ headline and theatre copy. ‘MAMA’ DISPLAY Life size blowup of Wayne Morris from Ad No. 303 with the words “I! Want My Mama” coming out from behind. In back of this lobby display is the mechanism of a “‘mama doll’’ which can be attached to a revolving wheel so as to repeat. Sound may be picked up by amplifier to carry the wail throughout lobby. CRAZY MIRROR Irregular mirror in lobby reflects patrons in distorted images, some in elongated shapes, others compressed into fat figures. Copy over mirror reads: “If you think this is funny, wait till you see “The Kid from Kokomo’ coming to the Strand Theatre on Friday the 21st.” TOOL TUCO LCCC LULU CC LCCC CCC CCC COCO MEET ‘THE KID’ Conduct contest similar to national one held annually by 4H Clubs to find the healthiest lad around. Might switch this to most typical farmer lad, a strapping young hay-pitcher to be named "The Kid from Kokomo," or The Kid from wherever he comes from. Big local promotion includes entertaining him in real city style day of your opening. Arrange luncheon, meeting with mayor, merchant tieups, night club visit and telegram from Wayne Morris, "The Kid from Kokomo" greets ‘The Kid from Slabudka," etc. FARMER STUNTS If you're located in a farming district be sure to combine the farm and comedy angles in the picture by sponsoring corn husking, hog calling and similar contests. Spot the preliminary trials in various places in town to build up interest and then hold the finals in or near your theatre. Contests should be good for newspaper mention. Awards tickets to your showing of the picture and promoted merchant prizes to the contestants. LOST SON STORY From morgue of local newspaper dig up stories which appear from time to time concerning a long-lost son finding his mother, or father, or vice versa. A tie-in with the similar angle in the picture and you've got a good special feature to plant. MOTHERS DAY Build goodwill in your community by taking over the entertainment of local old ladies home for a day. Tour city in autos, florist presents them with flowers, and the theatre films picture for them. BROKEN PANE Boarded up window in store next to theatre carries sign: Business Going On As Usua!—'The Laughs From Next Door Have Vibrated this Window So Hard It Broke.’ FUN TRAILER The Vitaphone trailer for this show is one big howl, selling all the laughs of the picture and the big comedy cast in fast breezy style. Be sure to get it as your best advance selling aid. [ 20 ] BE ee ee THE KIDS ROAD To WHAT HE PUT IN HE THOUGHT SHED LOOK s FAME AND — THE BANK LIKE THIS 3 ae | ee a oH) Hee T \ | FREEZING | ALD POINT OCCT TTT eT CC THE REAL THING | 7 KID from KOKOMO VB, i“ ian Vif (cy WHAT THE MANAGER'S GIRL USED IN HER RUBBLE DANCE WHAT THE KID HAD IN HIS HAIR WHEN HE LEFT KOKOMO THE MARRIAGE KNOT THE KID'S MANAGER WAS TRYING To DUCK THEY FIND HIM A “MOTHER: = ete ‘ visas wwe te Wins || BUT THE MOTHER’ LIKED | SHE REFORMS, HOWEVER, AND | THE CHAMP'S CONDITION ‘|| CRAP GAMES Too MucH | HELPS HIM IN THE CHAMP-| AFTER THE BIG FIGHT (THE KIDS MONEY) IONSHIP BOUT | WITH THE KID This display will attract attention because you use REAL THINGS to set up the comedy situations. DIZZY CHAIR Here’s a favorite lobby stunt to sell the ‘dizzy’? comedy angle. Install a spinning chair of the swivel chair type in a conspicuous place with a broad chalk line marked on the floor leading away from the chair. Copy on sign reads: ‘‘ ‘The Kid from Kokomo’ thinks all city folks are dizzy. Prove he’s wrong. Free tickets to anybody who can walk a straight line after a few spins.”’ TIE-UP STILLS Order the following specially prepared stills from Campaign Plan Editor. Complete set of 12—$1; individually 10c. WAYNE MORRIS 4 ernst ee WM Pub A116 BORING hoe ese WM Pub A39 a Mike Ne Os aaa gE WM Pub A261 Sun Glasses .............. WM Pub A241 PAT O’BRIEN Camera a PO Pub A280 Fees foe PO Pub A261 Badminton... PO Pub A307 Field Glasses. )..2:. 20. PO Pub A290 JANE WYMAN