Kid Nightingale (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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a ge GS. 4 pe swiN bes DIDN'T | i HIM... Official WARNE Pictures, “KID NIG! BUT YOU s Till SING PRETTIER THAN HE DOES!” JOHN PAYNE ¢WALTER CATLE Directed by This is the slightly daffy story of the slightly batty baritone who took up fighting in order to crash grandopera! It’s a knock-out! Screen Play by Charles B From a Sto: A Warner Bros.-F JOHN JANE WALTER A WARNER BROS. CATLETT PICTURE flay Screen Play ED BROPHY 3 WY by Charles Directed by Belden and GEORGE AMY Raymond Schrock From a Story by Lee Katz Mat 206 — 7'/ inches x 2 cols. (208 lines) — 30c A WARNER BROS. PICTURE with JOHN PAYNE JANE WYMAN WALTER CATLETT ¢ ED BROPHY tc ae : handle Directed by GEORGE AMY im WI g oves— oy Screen Play by Charles Belden and Raymond Schrock boxing gloves!” From a Story by Lee Katz Mat 203 — 10 inches x 2 cols. (278 lines) — 30c ae GOT A VOICE LIKE A MEET THE SOCK-A-BYE BABY WITH 1 Ui ROCK-ABYE = VOICE! i) ; @ JANE WYMAN § WALTER CATLETT-ED BROPHY « Directed by GEORGE AMY* A WARNER BROS. Picture Screen Play by Charles Belden ond Raymond Schrock + From a Story by Lee Katz Notes or chins... how this lad can Mat 204 — 2'/ inches x 2 cols. (66 lines) — 30c ee hit ‘em! When he sings he gets a curtain call... when he swings it’s curtains for the other guy! But crooning or clouting ... he’s tops-in fun! JOHN JANE PAYNE WYMAN WALTER CATLETT ED BROPHY Directed by GEORGE AMY A WARNER BROS. PICTURE pais GOT A on @*,. VOICE LIKE A AND ; oo HONE s @ WALTER CATLETT-ED BROPHY Directed by GEORGE AMY A WARNER BROS. Picture Screen Play by Charles Belden and Raymond Schrock » From a Story by Lee Katz W Screen Play by Charles Belden and Raymond Schrock « From a Story by Lee Katz Mat 205 — 1% inches x 2 cols. (34 lines) — 30c Mat 208 — 5% inches x 2 cols. (160 lines) — 30c Page Four