King of the Underworld (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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JN FOR ‘KING OF THE UNDERWORLD’ Y BOGART NDERWORLD ontains real machine gun. dummy elece dropper. Gets across the strong sellIman”? Humphrey Bogart — the ‘‘King zed to focus on gun, chair and medicine on and off above electric chair. re playing Humphrey gster of ‘Angels With efinite value, especial gels.” Play it up BIG! Ballistics Display Police department can help arrange a lobby display of modern apparatus used to track down gangsters — machine guns, handcuffs, rifles, tear gas bombs, microscopes, calipers, fingerprint equipment, etc. Small cards explain their various uses. For Your Sniping ‘“‘King of the Underworlsd”’ calls for ‘‘Wanted”’ posters. Tack ’em to poles, fences, buildings, trucks, bulletin boards, backs of newsstands, ete. Teaser Ads Spot these in classified section of newspaper: ““WARNING! Be on the lookout for the ‘King of the Underworld’ — Don’t kill this killer! Bring him back alive. See why at the Strand Theatre beginning Friday.” DON’T PASS THIS UP! Local radio station might run an “I Met a Bandit” program. In fact it would make good newspaper feature series for say, a week running. “King of the Underworld” gets tied in for free plug by perhaps doing the leg work in addition to supplying the idea. Small, out of the way grocers, cab drivers, bank messengers, in fact anybody who has been at some time ordered to “‘put ’em up” should be glad to grant an interview telling how it felt, what they thought about, etc. “Shock”? Booth Large booth is constructed in your lobby. Cards on the outside carry this copy: “Can you meet the ‘King of the Underworld’ face to face? Step inside and find out.” Inside booth is display of scene stills from picture, blowup heads of Humphrey Bogart, ete. Copy: “It’s excitement with the silencers off when the ‘King of Bad Men’ blasts his way to stardom in ‘King of the Underworld’.” Street Bally Man resembling burly detective is handcuffed to man dressed as tough guy. They walk through busy section of town. Card on back of “tough” reads: ‘““They’re making me go to the Strand Theatre to see ‘King of the Underworld’ to teach me that crime doesn’t pay.”’ Satety Campaign Tie into local drive-carefully-campaign with cooperation of police department. Get out posters or tack eards proclaiming: “Bad drivers are public enemies. Don’t be in the same class as the ‘King of the Underworld’ — at Strand Friday.” Book Shop Window Contact local book dealers and arrange dispay of recent books concerning crime and underworld characters — ‘“‘Here’s To Crime”, “10,000 Public Enemies’, etc. Surround with batch of scene stills from the picture and tie in your billing and playdate. ‘‘King of the Underworld” is from a story by W. R. Burnett, author of “Little Caesar’? which offers another angle for dealer cooperation. Evidence Display Large box is set up in lobby with this copy: “Police seek evidence to convict the ‘King of the Underworld.’ Can you help?” Patrons are asked to deposit any information they have on criminals. Box is plastered with scene stills and selling copy tieing in billing and playdates. Extras Surprinted Old, but reliable. Surprint back numbers of paper in red ink. Bold, screaming type reads: “Is it MURDER” (and in smaller type) To Kill The ‘KING of the UNDERWORLD’? See the thrilling answer at the Strand Theatre today.” THREE-SHEET CUTOUT Above illustration shows how the three-sheet may be cut.out and set up for an attractive and low-costing display. Add title and star billing, and spot it out front, on your marquee, or in the lobby. [8]