Ladies Must Live (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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MUSIC 700, "I Could Make You Care”... "Shows You What ROSCOE KARNS LEE PATRICK GEORGE REEVES A WARNER BROS. -— First National Picture + Directed by Noel Smith WY Screen Play by Robert E. Kent * From the Play by George M. Cohan Mat 208—6% inches x 2 columns (170 lines)—30c OVE’S A GAME OF GIVE AND TAKE... with WAYNE ROSEMARY LANE © ROSCOE KARNSLEE PATRICK GEORGE REEVES ? A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Directed by Noel Smith Screen Play by Robert E. Kent * From the Play by George M. Cohan Mat 206—4 2 inches x 2 columns (122 lines)—30c e The gaga saga of a golddigger who went off the gold standard Love Can Do” ee favor of diamonds! WAYNE MORRISROSEMARY LANE MORRIS WAYNE MORRIS ROSEMARY LANE ROSCOE KARNS LEE PATRICK. "| Could Make GEORGE REEVES You Care”... A WARNER BROS.Gee Con Lt First National Picture : Love Can Do” Directed by Noel Smith Screen Play by Robert E. Kent + From the Play by George M. Cohan Mat 104 4% inches (66 lines)—I5c TWO ADS ON ONE MAT It’s a Must-See! & Must-Love! Must-Laugh Hit! les » must live “WAYNE MORRIS ROSEMARY LANE coe Karns«Lee Patrick» George Reeves A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Directed by Noel Smith Screen Play by Robert E. Kent + From the Play by George M. Cohan must live MORRIS LANE Roscoe Karns+ Lee Patrick» George Reeves A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Directed by Noel Smith Screen Piay by Robert E. Kent + from the Play by George M. Cohan Mat 102—1I5c Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1940 Viczagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.