Lady Gangster (Warner Bros.) (1942)

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A WARNER BROS. PICTURE with FAYE EMERSON + JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey » Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles Mat 205 — 5% inches x 2 columns (160 lines) — 30c ; GUN-MOLL TELLS _ HER WHOLE BULLET-SCARRED sToRY! < Fae Fearn uae x a acane S -. SS A WARNER BROS. PICTURE with FAYE EMERSON + JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON Directed by Florian Roberts Sereen Play by Anthony Coldewey « Based on « Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles Mat 204 — 4% inches x 2 columns (122 lines) — 30c GANGSTER with FAYE EMERSON JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX + ROLAND DREW ~ JACKIE C. GLEASON ° , Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey « Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye Directed by Florian Roberts and Cariton Miles «A Warner Bros.-First National Picture y Mat 202 — 1% inches x 2 columns (34 lines) — 30c ‘A WARNER BROS. PICTURE with FAYE EMERSON JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX te eo eee ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey + Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles Mat 203 — 3% inches x 2 columns (94 lines) — 30c GANGSTER FAYE EMERSON + JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX+ ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON + Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey « Based an a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Mat 102 — 4 in. (57 lines) — 15c with FAYE EMERSON + JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX ROLAND DREW JACKIE C, GLEASON + Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey *« Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Garlten Miles + A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Mat 104 — 21% in. (35 lines) — 15c SHE’S OUT FOR NO GOOD! Soo ee with = FAYE EMERSON JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX + ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey * Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Mat 105 — 1% in. (20 lines) — 15c wit FAYE EMERSON JULIE BISHOP FRANK WILCOX ROLAND DREW JACKIE C. GLEASON + Directed by Florian Roberts Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey + Based on a Play by Dorothy Mackaye and Carlton Miles * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Mat 103 — 5 in. (71 lines) — 15c Official Billing WARNER BROS. 40% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% “LADY GANGSTER” '°* wi Faye Julie Frank 109 EMERSON — BISHOP — wiLcox !0% Roland Jackie C. DREW — GLEASON a * Directed by Florian Roberts 25% * Screen Play by Anthony Coldewey 3% Based on a Play by 29 Dorothy Mackaye & Carlton Miles . * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5%