Lady with Red Hair (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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SE didn? have either O10 Sur ST, It’s easy, girls...anyone can do it! Just learn what to say and who to say it to. Learn how to walk, how to talk, how to be a success! Yes, if you really want to bea hit...take a tip from the biggest hit of them all,,, fady with — EDHAIR Starring take ‘a nobody’ and ; make a star! as Mrs. Leslie Carter .» CLAUDE RAINS Richard Ainley * Laura Hope Crews « Directed by KURT BERNHARDT + A WARNER BROS..First Nat’! Picture Screen Play by Charles Kenyon and Milton Krims * Based upon the Memoirs of Mrs. Leslie Carter From the Story by N. Brewster Morse and Norbert Faulkner Mat 307—9¥2 inches x 3 columns (402 lines) —45c