Law of the Tropics (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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Constance Bennett Features Extreme Wardrobe In New Film By Orry-Kelly (Famous Warner Bros. Stylist) It is usually left to fashion to provide the only bright relief in an unhappy world. So if styles seem exaggerated this year, and all predictions point in that direction, just consider them as so many roses in December. I suppose you would call Constance Bennett’s latest innovation of wearing several smart costumes cut from the same bolt of material an extreme fashion but it also has a very practical aspect for the budget-minded or for those who like to save on Mat 103—15c Constance Bennett thought and time. It happened merely by chance and not design, since Constance plots her wardrobe like a general does his campaign. One of her dresses for “Law of the Tropics,’ which is now playing at the Strand Theatre, was so appealing that she snatched it for her own wardrobe and took the rest of the material as well. So added: one screen frock, one matching lounging pajama, one full-length evening coat. This evening coat is twice as rare in that it is buttoned with miniature carved silver Aztec masks that Constance picked up in South America. The material for the unique threesome is a wonderful water blue linen madras with widely spaced white. We also admit that the present fashion picture is not only extreme but as contrary as Mary in her garden. As days grow warmer sleeves grow longer especially the ones that appear in clothes for the smaller hours. Another extremely-nice fashion to hit Hollywood is causing almost as much talk as the revival of the bustle two years ago. It’s the mode for pastel hosiery, kelly green and red. Watch your step if you contemplate copying the cinema city in this one. Wear a pair of green stockings only if the rest of your costume is as shy as a violet. There’s a spot in your exploitation campaign for this fashion feature. See page 7. PUBLICITY Takes Ten Years For Film Marriage After ten years of hard work, self sacrifice and patience, Regis Toomey finally has attained matrimonial bliss on the screen. Moreover, his devoted wife is Mona Maris, Argentine importation, who usually specializes in siren roles. In the past Regis nearly always has been a sympathetic actor. Invariably his characterizations resulted in the majority of an audience having a good cry. He has met a heroic death many times on the screen but death takes a holiday in Warner Bros.’ “Law Of The Tropics” in which he enacts a jovial, contented husband and _ rubber planter. The picture is now playing at the Strand Theatre. Regis was teased by romance in “Meet John Doe.” A _ wife stood next to him in a six minute scene but he only spoke a few words to her. Five of the six minutes he spent delivering an oration to Gary Cooper. “This is a new acting experience for me,” said Toomey. “T almost feel like a newlywed. I’m not even injured in this picture.” Choice Of Beauty Offered In Tropical Film If it’s contrast in beauty the public wants, they’ll see plenty of it in Warner Bros.’ “Law of the Tropics.” Constance Bennett, star of the film, is blonde, fairskinned and blue-eyed. Mona Maris, Argentine importation, who plays an important role, has dark complexion, brown eyes and jet black hair. EXPLOITATION Old-Time Screen Actor Gives Seven Hints For Success Hobart Bosworth, who has been entertaining the public on the stage and screen for more than 50 years, gave seven hints on how young actors and actresses can perpetuate their careers. He plays an important role in “Law of the Tropics” now at the Strand. Here are Bosworth’s suggestions: 1. Avoid scandal. 2. Have your day’s work thoroughly prepared. 3. Don’t worry about being typed. “Types” usually last the longest. 4. A good sense of humor at all times is as important as wearing proper makeup. 5. Newspaper men can be your best friends. Don’t abuse their friendship. 6. Let directors direct their pictures. It’s their job and they know it better than actors. 7. Take as much pride in your home as your work. Mat 201—30c A SECRET FORMULA is divulged by Jeffrey Lynn, in the role of a rubber planter, to his boss, played by Hobart Bosworth, in Warner Bros.’ exciting love story, “Law Of The Tropics,” which is now play ing at the Strand Theatre. TROPICAL WEAR SALE Contact local merchants or department store to run a special ''Tropical Wear" sale during run of the picture, featuring items for cruise and southern wear. Arrange full newspaper page of co-op ads with headline: THESE ARE THE LAWS OF THE TROPICS. Ads display tropical suits, beach wear, slack sets, etc. Copy angle is that they are “‘must's'' for the Tropics. Your angle is that another "must"' is ''Law Of The Tropics" at the Strand Theatre. Carry this tropical wear idea further with a fashion show in lobby. DEALER TIE-UP STILLS Set of nine practical tie-up stills for window and counter displays available on order from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44 St., N. Y. C. Complete set — 75c, individually — 10c. JEFFREY LYNN Lynn Pub A52 Bates Bedspread and Drapes Lynn Pub A59 Buick Station Wagon Lynn Pub A76 Hunting Rifle Lynn 180 Benrus Watch Lynn Pub W Underwood Typewriter MONA MARIS KR 500... Music Store MM 131 MM 139 Jewelry Store Fur Cape AD BLOW-UPS FOR LOBBY Ad mat 301 Ad mat 203 Take your choice of either of these two shadow box displays for your lobby. One (on left) sells the love interest; the other (on right) features Constance Bennett. Both are made from ad blow-ups, as indicated. LET’S GO TO SCHOOL Take news of your showing to school. In cooperation with geography teachers offer guest tickets for the best maps of South America by students showing the various countries and their exports and imports. Use the best and most colorful maps in lobby. TROPICAL HONEYMOON Touch the romantic angle with this one. In tie-up with local travel agency, award prize to young lady who writes the best letter on "Why | Want A Tropical Honeymoon." Mount best letters for display in lobby.. TROPICAL TREASURE HUNT A real treasure hunt always attracts attention and gets a good play — here's one that's easily arranged: Inconspicuously displayed in the cooperating merchant's windows are tropical items, such as pith helmet (for hat store), rubber plant (for florist), cocoanut, (for fruit dealer) etc. Prizes go to people submitting complete list plus names of dealers displaying them. Dealer ads advertise the stunt. STREET BALLY While the sarong is typical of the Islands, it is also worn in the Tropics by the natives. A couple of attractive girls dressed in brightly colored sarongs would be an attention-getting manner of distributing heralds. They might also have signs pinned to sarongs with copy: ''She Lived and Loved by One Law. Constance Bennett in the 'LAW OF THE TROPICS'."" TYPICAL TROPICAL FOODS How about getting a nearby restaurant to feature typical tropical foods such as frijoles, chille con carne, tortillas and other South American dishes. Arrange for picture credit and playdate on menus. 7