Life Begins (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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More Compelling than BEN HUR Greater than The BIRTH of a NATION Surpassing The BIG PARADE LINDEN ALINE MacMAHON ..moves audi ences to tears, to laugh ter, to hope, to knowledge of what goes on in other lives, other hearts. A First National Picture REX Y = Cut No.15 Out20c Mat 5e HISTORY! Great pictures, those successes of the romantic past. But they make way now for the hit of today...the age of stark reality! The most amazing story ever filmed...taboo for 1932 years...barriers of the mystery of mysteries. Woman’s innermost soul stripped naked...heart of motherhood laid bare! Love is born, hates forgotten, lifetimes spent in crowded minutes...your emotions will be hyprocrisy are swept aside stirred, hammered, pounded =". reveal lites Strangest i:utn, eb “when eee ne Sa I ee Lire BEGINS A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE with Loretta YOUNG, Eric LINDEN, Aline MacMAHON, Glenda FARRELL Cut No.24 Out60c Mati15c if You may be SHOCKED, | You may be STUNNED, | You may be THRILLED by the MUNRO LUUTOUUULOUUA TRAND ® ELIS. WARNER *SERUOEUEOEEPAREEEEEEETUENSESERAPTOESEEEEEOEOUST SAREE Cut No.19 Out20c Mat6&ec But you Cut No.18 Out20c Mat 5c cannot scorn it! Here, for the first time on the screen, is the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH about life and love! LIFE. A First National Picture with LORETTA YOUNG ERIC LINDEN ALINE MacMAHON This ad blown-up will make a swell tack-card for current sniping. Out No.7 Out60c Matib5ec Out No.11 Out 40c Mati10c