Living on Velvet (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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P. ie 3 of your biggest WARNER STARS step out TOGETHER....A IN THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE EXPLOITATION IN THE PUBLICITY age Two pressbook editor has to step out, TOO! e e@ @ @ e So we've been especially careful to give you a good supply of the right material to cover every one of this show's promotion angles— THREE STAR NAMES ‘SITUATION INTEREST NEW FRANCIS FASHIONS _ PRANK BORZAGE DIRECTION We've gone strong on the triangle situation in our Advertising, with a copy and layout treatment which we believe gets the most out of the star and story values. Borzage and the plug for Kay’s clothes are also tied in, Highlighting the suggestions provided in our Exploitation Section are a 3-day contest presenting the picture’s stars and ‘situation’ in a unique manner; opportunities for merchant displays; fully prepared 15-minute radio skeich: a novel lobby stunt and selection of posed dealer photos. Supplementing a wide selection of stories of general interest for your newspaper notices are a Kay Francis fashion layout and special fashion features. Copyright 1935 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.