Look for the Silver Lining (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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Now WARNER Bros. MASS ALL THe PLEASURES OF THE SCREEN WORLD FOR THE STORY OF THE DARLING GF (> icolor THE SHow Wor:p! Screen Play by Phoebe & Henry Ephron and Marian Spitzer From a Story by Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby Musical Direction by Ray Heindorf Mat 301 — 3 cols. x 6% inches (258 lines ) This ad also in four-column size. See page 4. THE BILLING WARNER BROS. 50% Pictures Presents 5% “LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING” 100% Starring JUNE HAVER 100% RAY BOLGER = GORDON MacRAE 75% Color by 15% TECHNICOLOR 30% Directed by David Butler | 25% Screen Play by Phoebe & Henry Ephron and Marian Spitzer — 3% From a Story by Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby 2% * * * Musical Numbers Staged and Directed by LeRoy Prinz 3% * * * SONG HITS By Jerome Kern B. G. DeSylva .................. “Look for the Silver Lining” Vincent Youmans Harold Adamson.............. “Time On My Mack Gordon Hands”’ 10% 5% Jerome Kern Otto Harbach.................... Who’? and Oscar Hammerstein, Ii “Sunny” STARRING : Victor Herbert.................. **A Kiss in The B. G. DeSylva Dark”’ SNE HAVER es. con va rast mis ti Screen Play by Phoebe & Henry Ephron and Marian Spitzer DIRECTED BY an Spitze' DAVI D B UTLE R From a Story by Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby e Musical Direction by Ray Y A Warner Bros. 5% First National Picture UI Mat 207 — 2 cols. x 4% inches (130 lines )