Look for the Silver Lining (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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Life Story of Star Marilyn Miller Now on Film Warner Bros. Presents June Haver In ‘Look For The Silver Lining’ Presenting the life story of Marilyn Miller, one of the most sparkling personalities to grace the Broadway stage, Warner Bros. will bring “Look For The Silver Lining”’’, a lavish production in Technicolor, to the Strand Theatre on Friday for a week’s engagement. Starring June Haver as the twinkle-toed singing and dancing star of many brilliant musical comedies during the gay twenties, the film will also have Ray Bolger, current Broadway dance : c S (Advance Announcement ) star, in the role of Jack Donohue, Marilyn’s dancing partner in “Sunny” and Gordon MacRae, popular screen and radio singer, as Frank Carter, Marilyn Miller’s first husband. Warner Bros. went to great lengths in this ambitious production to re-create the atmosphere, the songs and dances of an era of Broadway shows that many believe has yet to be matched. The darling of New York, the star of shows like “Sally,” “Sunny” and “As Thousands Cheer”, Marilyn Miller became almost a legend as AP A # ee é ¥; “f she held court in a swank apartment in a Fifth Avenue Hotel with chauffeurs, maids and admirers catering to her every whim. Much of the gay show life with its attendant thrills and heartaches, from the time she joined her trouping parents in their act, “The Columbians,” until her untimely retirement a dozen or so years afterward, is shown in “Look For the Silver Lining”, one of the widely-heralded entertainments of the year. LOVELY JUNE HAVER plays the role of the fabulous Marilyn Miller, the famed musical comedy star of the Twenties, in "Look For the Silver Lining", Warner Bros.’ Technicolor picture due at the Strand on Friday, July 30. i a \ Marityn Miller 00 Ss 2 re ne JUNE HAVER Jdelk Donenweoie ee hs RAY BOLGER Prank (Carters...) 225.00 5 ems ce GORDON MacRAE Pom Miler ccc | eee ee Charlie Ruggles MOM BUI 0 Se 4 Rosemary DeCamp Cigire Miller). 2S. Perk es Pe Lee Wilde TET OT a a eg be a Lynn Wilde PROREY PhO os ae Some ee Dick Simmons Shendorff ee, Se ae OR BARONE os aiid: PRA gaol Bite aeons Bee Walter Catlett PMLCL SDCCIGUY: N08 A Bec GA aS. George Zoritch Oleg Tupine FOE Fe ER I es SO Lillian Yarbo Mr. Beeman... 202085 0 SR Seis. Paul E. Burns PCO ds ends, 35 had tyke Douglas Kennedy Mat No. 700-2D Still 700-734 ‘Silver Lining’ Film Has Novel Technique The show-within-a-show technique will be given a hypo when Warner Bros. films a show-within a show within a show for “Look For The Silver Lining.” Number is_ re-creation of “Who” from the famous Marilyn Miller show, “Sunny.” Nostalgia experts will remember that Marilyn Miller came out on an empty stage broken hearted because her show was closing and while the paying audience was watching from the front she played the number to a dumb audience painted on a backdrop. No Troubles For Star Gordon MacRae Gordon MacRae, the Warner discovery currently singing opposite June Haver in “Look For The Silver Lining,” is the success story of young America in the flesh. At 27 MacRae has a handsome long term film contract on the Burbank lot, a good deal for the Texaco air show, is in great demand for recordings, has a golf club membership, owns a tenroom home in the Valley with swimming pool, is happily married and has three healthy youngsters. “HIGHLAND GAMES”. . . Starting with a wee bit o’ golfing on the Bonnie Braes of auld Scotland, the short covers other sports in the colorful Highland country. Included are high jumping, pole vaulting, hammer throwing, tossing the caber, wrestling and LATEST VITAPHONE HITS folk dancing. 5509... Technicolor Sports Parade — 10 min. “BAD OL’ PUTTY-TAT”. . . When Sylves'er, the cat, tries to make an hors d’cuvre of tempting, little Tweetie Pie, the canary, he finds that Tweetie is a veritable Super Squab. “SO YOU WANT TO BE A MUSCLE MAN”... Clarence Ross of Mr. America fame puts Joe McDoakes in a bad light with Mrs. McDoakes to the extent that Joe is duped into taking a body building course to redeem his poor physique. Featuring George O’Hanlon, the short was written and directed by Richard Bare. 5405... Joe McDoakes Comedy — 10 min. “DOWN THE NILE”... A fascinating tour along the ancient Nile. The cameras travel over the swift flowing river highway which divides the two great deserts of Egypt, stopping to capture the man-made wonders of an ancient world. 5008 ... Technicolor Special — 20 min. JUNE HAVER and SINGING STAR GORDON MacRAE play leading roles in the widely-heralded Technicolor musical, "Look For the Silver Lining", a Warner Bros. presentation arriving at the Strand on Friday. Mat No. 700-24 5710... Technicolor Cartoon — 7 min. Still 700-688 g