Love and Learn (Warner Bros.) (1947)

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4 Novel Teasers On Film’s Title These three 2-column teaser ads are designed to suggest the usual “dance lessons’ come-on ads. If possible, place : In one them on newspaper pages featuring that type of ad. ; easy lesson | It’s an amazing ® | treatment 3 i that you’ ll ORDER: Teaser Mat No. 670-203-X from Warner : Bros.’ Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., New i LOVE to LEARN! York 18, N. Y. ‘n one easy lesson THE GAY JACK CARSON WAY! Be Popular! Bring along your best girl (or beau) : for one easy, breezy lesson in romance! } BB SEE OOP ER LB BR RA SER OR BO che ip Be BAB Lh wr AD GR KB Re aay GR ais GR Br Mr, i, shee Trailer Suggests Poll —3-Column Mat Aimed At Rug-Cutters Take a tip from the “Love And Learn” trailer and set up a local poll, for newspapers or lobby, to help Hollywood’s glamor girls select an “Ideal Lover’. In the trailer Peggy Knudsen votes for Humphrey Bogart; Jane Harker votes for Dennis Morgan; and Martha Vickers chooses Jack Carson. Stills of these 3 film beauties, plus stills of the 3 men, are available as set of 6 8x10’s for lobby display or newspaper layout. Accompanying copy should call on feminine voters to cast their vote for “The Screen Lover I Could LOVE AND LEARN (the most) From.” Lobby chart records daily tally with Carson climbing steadily till opening. Follow-through with announcement that Carson wins — in plenty of time for everyone to catch him in his most lovable role to date — in “Love and Learn’. ORDER: Set of 6 No. 670 Special Display Stills from Warner Bros.’ Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., New York 18, N. Y. Lee Swimplay-Suits As we go to press, plans are under way for Lee Swimplay-Suits’ national advertising and promotion WINSOME MARTHA VICKERS, who tips the scales at a meager 105 lbs., shows plenty of stamina when campaign: which. ties in “Love and Learn” and feacalled upon to match terpsichorean agility with ex-heavyweight boxer Lou Nova, who weighs in at a rugged tures“ Martha Vickers. Two ads (each Fe full-pa 56) 220. The hilarious jitterbug bout, requiring some of the most unusual footwork ever seen inside a ring (or ‘ 5 out!), occurs in “Love And Learn” Warners’ current comedy romance. are scheduled to appear in Charm (May) and Glamour (June). In addition, counter display cards will be available, in limited quantity, for local tie-in. ORDER: Dance Mat No. 670-302-X from Warner Bros.’ Campaign For ad proofs and counter cards, write to: Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., New York 18,N. Y. Mr. R. M. Marks, Lee Knitwear Corp., 1410 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y.