Love Begins at 20 (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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“LOVE BEGINS AT 20° EXPLOITATION 19 WAYS TO PLUG PICTURE 4 a ° a Hold. A ‘Lovers.’ Night During run of pic, advertise particular night as ‘Lover’s Night.’ Douse or lower house lights to please the young romantics and surround feature with short subjects that go hand in hand with soft lights and sweet music. A bit of mistletoe, a few Cupids and some hearts scattered ’round your lobby ought to do the trick. Gag Line for (o-op Ads The line: “Bargains begin at 20 East Market St.,”? might offer you a suggestion in the general direction of Merchant Cooperation. It ties in nicely with your title, ‘“‘Love Begins at Twenty,” and makes a kinda tricky ad catch line. 20 Wins At Roulette With a play on your title and a roulette wheel, you can let your customers gamble for ducats to pic. Each patron gets chance at wheel, those getting the number 20 nabbing the ducats. Catchline tells folks that “‘Luck Begins at 20.” Film Was Famous Play ‘Love Begins at Twenty” is an adaptation of a successful Martin Flavin play — “Broken Dishes.” Bring this to the attention of patrons in display stuff, and tell dramatic critics about it, too. Bnoak Jo20-Yoar-Olds You might let twenty-year-old couples who apply at box-office during certain half-hour have ducats to show. Or, invitation might be extended to include those who have been married for twenty years. Ducats for Engagement Watch your society columns during run of film. If any of the gentry decide to call it a marriage or an engagement at this particular time, and age of either boy or gal is twenty, you can help Cupid along by sending ducats for pic as your little gift. Love In any. Jongues Get yourself a still of Warren Hull and Patricia Ellis in an amorous clinch and caption same with “Love Begins at Twenty” in as many languages as occur to you. Head all this with sign reading “In any language, it means that ‘Love Be re) gins at Twenty’. Lave Song On Radio This is a swell time to dig up recordings of love songs for radio or your P.A. system. Your songs, of course, will be punctuated with plugs for your “‘Love Begins at Twenty” film. Page Two (Co-op Hardress. Ad. ANTONES litt (titi The Patricia Ellis Coiffure Inspired by her performance in the Warner Bros. picture ‘‘Love Begins at Twenty,’’ in which she is appearing at the...... Ba os « eee Theatre. A movie star realizes the necessity for always looking her best. A chic coiffure is a prime essential fiat cawae lal groomed _ look. Antoine will make your hair ‘your crowning glory.’ This is only one of hundreds of styles which Antoine is prepared to | adapt to your particular type of beauty. iii! ANTOINE’S 2 ELM ST. We've put these stills together for you just as a matter of suggestion. Still numbers are Patricia Ellis, Pub 750 and 751. If you like, you can procure ’em by addressing Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th-St5N. Y.-C. They*t-cost-you ten centimes per each. Jry. Stage Wedding. We know it’s time worn and a little moth-eaten, but a stage marriage would certainly tie in with pic. The usual inducements of having home furnished by local merchants could prevail. This same stunt could be faked, if handled carefully. Couple Middle -Cisle 9t As a teaser stunt, you might have a bride and groom middle aisle it in your theatre before trailer goes on. Have the ga dressed in becoming bridal gown and the gSuy appropriately attired in the best bridegroom tradition. Bridal accessories such as bouquet, etc., while not essential might be effective. A few strains of Lohengrin and you’re practically set. Letter Contest On Lave You could run a contest, purpose being to find out at what age love should begin. Is twenty too old or too young and why? Perhaps your newspaper will string along with you on this one. If not, your theatre lobby will do. Get reactions of local prominent women, and corresponding number of men. Band Plays Love Song Maestro of your local orchestra probably has a love song written by himself or another member of his musical crew. He might be glad for an excuse of properly dedicating ditty, and what could be more apropos than inspirational guidance from Pat Ellis in ‘“‘Love Begins at Twenty’’? Contest On Love Songs Playing further with the romantic theme of pic, you might offer ducats to patrons submitting longest list of songs with LOVE in the title. Whether conducted through newspaper or lobby, it’s really a rather intriguin’ pastime. Sweetest Of Stories Playing along still further with your sweetheart theme, see if candy shop won't tie up with you on picture. Their display of stills over candy counter would carry line: “Love begins at twenty-seven cents—with a box of Whitman’s chocolates.’’ Goes for florist, too. Love Begins Anyplace For a lobby display stunt, you might have stills from other pictures—preferably of famous romantic teams such as Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler. If still is from ‘Flirtation Walk,’ caption with ‘‘Love begins at West Point.” It still is from ‘‘Shipmates,”’ dub it ‘‘Love begins at Annapolis,’’ and then over a still of Patricia Ellis and Warren Hull in a clinch, “‘Love Begins at Twenty.” Funny nding Contest A ‘complete the sentence’ contest might be good for a few laughs. Award ducats or prizes for funniest ending to sentence beginning with ‘“‘Love Begins......... as Contest could be conducted in lobby or through newspaper. Gowelry Store Jie-Up Your leading jeweler might like a little promotion on marriage and engagement rings. If such is the case, a co-op ad might do the trick, and if not, use stills in window to plug pic. For Rent: Lobby Ant. You don’t have to spend big money on your display accessories. Under this new RENTAL §arrangement, you can now fill your complete requirements in lobby and front displays. Displays are available to you no matter where your theatre is located and regardless of its size. And remember—they are shipped to you early enough to make advance selling possible. | Write for details to: AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., INC. 525 West 43rd Street, New York City A First National Picture @ Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1936 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.