Love is on the Air (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS JUNIOR G-MEN CLUBS are popular with kids. Offer them badges and membership cards. Hold a ‘Cops and Robbers’ game — work it with plenty of clues and have them find ‘robbers.’ Distribute heralds around boys’ clubs and schools with this copy: ‘““Would you risk your life to rid the community of a notorious criminal? Little Tommy Bupp does in ‘Love Is On the Air’ at the Strand Theatre on Wednesday.” FIND TOWN’S JUNIOR HEROES with help of local newspaper. Invite patrons to write of some heroic act by a child. Honor children with medals or diplomas. Make awards from stage with notables participating in ceremony. BOXING CONTEST and BIKE RACE are highlights of picture. Arrange similar contest and call it: ‘““Twentieth Century Kids’ Boxing (or Bike) Tournament — Sponsored by the Strand Theatre.’’ Boxing match can be held in theatre; bike race around block on which your theatre is located. Invite winners to be your guests at special performance. SANDMAN PROGRAM is appropriate since Ronald Reagan is placed on this type program after exposing political racketeers. Use spot announcements on radio station’s children’s hour, or arrange an adventure program of your own. BROADCAST can be arranged by having young gent do what Reagan does in picture — visit playgrounds and broadcast kids’ sport activities from portable shortwave radio set. At the same time he could tell ’em about picture. SCOUT GROUPS are always interested in seeing a picture dealing with boy heroism. Be sure to let ’em know about it. Find local scout who has done most for your community during week picture is playing. Introduce him from stage of theatre. : SPECIAL KID MATINEE to which school groups and clubs are invited to competitive games on your stage. Award prizes to teams receiving most points. Promote from local toy dealer such games as Parcheesi, Lotto, and Checkers. SHORT WAVE CONTEST will go over big with kids. Idea is to find town’s best amateur short wave operator and have him tell kids why they should see picture. Award prizes to winners. BEAUTY SHOP — Lovely June Travis shows how to make your complexion alive and radiant, velvety smooth of texture, dazzlingly fair in tone. Complete instructions given inside. (A230, A231, A233) NOVELTY STORE—Bracelets and cameos you won't see all over town. The sort of “important trifles’” that give the reputation of being smartly dressed. (JT 83, JT 84) TOBACCONIST—These handsome “boiled in oil’ Briar pipes will be especially enjoyed by heavy smokers desiring a new and different changeoff pipe. (RR 13) MILKMAN MARCHES ‘‘Milkman”’ parades through streets carrying a wire tray filled with empty milk bottles. Sign on his back reads: ‘‘Out of work. President of Creamery kidnapped. Firm bank roll stolen. For further particulars see ‘Love Is On the Air’ at the Strand Theatre on Wednesday. POLICE BROADCAST Send car through streets equipped with P.A. system. Have announcer rattle off this spiel: “Calling all moviegoers! Proceed at once to the College Theatre, corner College and Chapel. Ronald Reagan drops a political bombshell and blows a whole town wide open. It’s all in ‘Love Is On the Air,’ a picture packed full of romance, action, and thrills. Hurry to the Strand Theatre! This is an emergency. That is all!’ ATTENTION! IOWA EXHIBITORS Localites will be interested to know that Ronald Reagan, Warner Bros.’ mew screen personality, is a Des Moines boy who has made good. He was formerly a radio sports announcer and baseball writer for the Des Moines Register-Tribune. Spotted by movie scouts while at Pasadena covering the Spring training activities of the Chicago White Sox for his newspaper, he was immediately placed under a long-term contract. College students will also be interested to learn that Reagan is a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. COPY AND STILLS FOR CO-OP ADS Below are listed stills available for tie-up newspaper ads, window displays, and copy suggestions. These can be ordered from the Campaign Plan Editor at a special price of 75 cents for set of nine, or individually at 10 cents. — HAT SHOP—High and forward swings this turban of felt and velvet. The latest from Paris as worn by lovely June Travis in ‘“‘Love Is On the Air.”’ (JT 153) MEN’S SHOP — Popular cheviots, sport jackets and slacks which represent (name of store) ’s idea of fine clothes at a moderate price. (RR 18, WH 15) RADIO STORE — Glorious tones — rich, vibrant, real — made possible by the many new outstanding features built into the new General Electric radio. Free demonstration inside. (JT Pub A129) COPPERS CO-OP Cops know many exciting stories dealing with racketeers. Offer free tickets to policemen submitting the best true adventure tale. Local radio station might be interested in dramatizing it, or perhaps newspaper will print best one. LOVERS’ QUARREL Ronald Reagan and June Travis argue from the beginning of picture to the final clinch. Play up this angle by engaging a young couple to walk along crowded street arguing vehemently. He yells that she'll never be anything but a bedtime story teller; she retaliates with, ‘And you'll never be anything but a radio windbag.’’ Man approaches them with sign reading: June Travis and Ronald Reagan argue themselves right into love in “‘Love Is On the Air’? Coming to the Strand Theatre on Wednesday. THUGS TAKE Dress a couple of men as ‘‘gangsters”’ and parade them through streets, carrying machine-gun cases in one hand. Suitcases which they carry in the other show signs of having been packed in a great rush. Signs on their backs read: “This town’s getting too hot for us tough guys with that mug Andy McCain exploding the gangster racket in ‘Love Is On the Air’ coming to the Strand Theatre on Wednesday. ”’