Man Hunt (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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“Man Hunt,” New Warner Thriller Booked by Strand “Man Hunt,’ the Warner Bros. picture which is scheduled as the feature attraction at the : Theatre-on 2,5. , is said to combine tense, exciting melodrama with hilarious comedy. There is a talented east headed by Rieardo Cortez, Marguerite Churchill, William Gargan and Charles (Chic) Sale. Gargan has the comedy-heroic role of a small town reporter who is planning to elope to the big city with the country school teacher and get a job on a metropolitan paper, when a_ news flash comes to his office that a big shot bank bandit has escaped. It is the little school teacher, a role played by Miss Churchill, who finds the bandit, however, hiding out in her school house. The bandit, played by Ricardo Cortez, works on her sympathies and she takes him to an abandoned shack to get him out of the way of the G-men. The small town reporter is also something of a detective, however, and discovers what his sweetheart has done. He leads the federal officers and local sheriff, together with reporters of several mid-west cities who have arrived, to the hiding place. But his sweetheart has beat him to it and warned the bandit. The youth finds the shack empty and himself the laughing stock of everyone. But in a thrilling climax he eventually outwits the bandit, the slick city reporters and the federal officers. Chie Sale furnishes a large part of the comedy in his role of a former sheriff who has told so many tales about his battles with the James and Dalton boys, who had overrun the territory fifty years before, that he believes them himself, Richard Purcell, Olin Howland Anita Kerry and Don Barclay Fun and Thrills In “Man Hunt” At Strand Today Warner Bros. new melodrama, “Man Hunt,” opens at the Theatre today. The story evolves about a small town reporter, his sweetheart, the country school teacher, a bank bandit who has escaped from prison, and a former exsheriff who has told so many romanees about his battles with Jesse James and the Dalton boys that he believes his own yarns: The gullible school teacher is intrigued by the handsome bandit, and believing his highly colorful story about persecution and a dying mother, hides him from federal officers who are pursuing him. Her lover, however, after a series of comedy mishaps, convinees her of the error of her ways, and with the ex-sheriff effects the capture of the robber and his aids. There is a large and talented east with Ricardo Cortez again playing the arch villain, the bandit; William Gargan as the small town reporter, Marguerite Churchill as the school teacher and Charles (Chic) Sale in the role of the romancing ex-sheriff. Others in the cast inelude Richard Pureell, Olin Howland, Addison Richards, George E. Stone, Anita Kerry, Russell Simpson, Eddie Shubert, Kenneth Harlan, Don' Barelay and Maude Eburne. William Clemens directed. take the parts of the city reporters, while Addison Richards is the head of the federal officers. Others in the cast include George E. Stone, Nick Copeland, Russell Simpson, Eddie Shubert, Kenneth Harlan, Cy Kendall, Maude Eburne, Frederic Blanchard, Larry Kent, George Ernest, Milt Kibbee and _ Billy Wayne. William Clemens directed. Man Hunter Marguerite Churchill portrays a small town beauty who had the closest shave of her life when she tried to beard a big time gangster in his den, in “Man Hunt,” which opens at the... Theatre on: 22> S25, Mat No. 110—10c (Review ) eS ‘Man Hunt’, New Hilarious Thriller Film, Scores Hit Action, Romance and Laughter Mark Strand Premiere of Comedy Drama ‘‘Man Hunt,’’ the Warner Bros. thriller which had its local premiere at the........ .. Theatre yesterday, is sure fire entertainment, exciting, funny and romantic. The story concerns the pursuit of an escaped bank robber by Federal agents and the part taken in it by a small town reporter and his sweetheart, a school teacher; the big city newspapermen and a doddering, romancing ex-sheriff. There is a large and talented cast, which is headed by Ricardo Cortez, Marguerite Churchill, William Gargan and Charles (Chic) Sale. Cortez gives his usual finished and convincing performance as the suave, soft-spoken and outwardly gentlemanly rascal. He is the jail-breaking bandit whose honeyed words completely fool the romantic school teacher into trying to help him to escape the officers on his trail. The screen has missed Miss Churchill, a former star who retired temporarily upon her marriage a little more than two years ago, but the public welecomed her back yesterday at the cre Sree ens Theatre, where she gave a capable performance as the little school teacher. She shows the same artistry that has always marked her work. William Gargan has a semicomic and semi-heroic role as the small town reporter and lover of Miss Churchill, and handles the part with unusual skill. Chie Sale gives a wonderful portrayal of the romancing exsheriff, who has repeated his tales of his encounters with Jesse James and the Dalton gang, so often that he believes them himself. He is responsible for many of the big laughs in the picture. Others in the cast who do excellent work include’ Richard Pureell, Olin Howland, Anita Debonair Cortez Revels in Tough Role The fact that in his latest Warner Bros. picture, “Man Hunt,” which comes to the ee Re theatre on. .........; Ricardo Cortez wears rather rough and ill-fitting clothing is thoroughly agreeable to him. “Tt’s just a matter of accident that Vve been dressed elegantly in most pictures I’ve made in recent years,” he said. “T mean that I’ve been assigned to parts which it was essential that the character be shown as well-dressed. “Naturally I dressed each time as I thought I should for the part, but never to impress any beholder with the idea that I’m elothes-conscious.” Kerry and Don Barclay as the city reporters, who are outwitted and scooped by the hick newspaperman; George E. Stone, Addison Richards, Nick Copeland, Russell Simpson and Eddie Shubert. William Clemens has given the picture a masterful piece of direction, balancing the thrills with humor with great nicety. The screen play is by Roy Chanslor, based on an original story by Earl Felton, re