Man Hunt (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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Paper Holds Man Hunt Here’s one, not new we'll admit, that can be worked with newspaper: Picture of man is published with note telling folks that the first 20 who find him and tap him with paper will receive ducats to show. Stores can tie up on this man hunt by announcing via ads that man will visit their establishment at a certain time. One Minute Radio Plug This spot announcement fits at end of news broadcast. If none are available, plant it between programs as a news flash: (Telegraph ticker in background) ANNOUNCER: News flash! The greatest man hunt in history is on! G-men, local officers and deputies are turning the whole county upside down in their search for Frank Kingman, desperate bank robber and killer who has been terrorizing the state with his gang of desperados. For further information see “‘Man Hunt,” Warner Bros.’ smash hit, featuring Ricar“We rtez, Marguerite Churchill, Chic ~—~~“at the Strand Theatre. For a double-bar relled load of thrills and laughter, for ninety minutes of hair-raising excitement and hilarious comedy, be sure to see ‘‘Man Hunt,’’ now at the Strand Theatre. Copy For Men’s Shop Ad Detroit’s well-dressed “MAN-HUNT” is over! RICCARDO CORTEZ Appearing in the War ner Bros. hit “Man Hunt,” now playing at the Strand Theatre. The well-dressed man can end his search for better clothes right now! Our store boasts not only of fine suits for sport and business wear, but also takes pride in its formal wear department. Quality is high— but prices are remarkably moderate. CASTLE & CASTLE We think that co-op ad along these lines would interest clothing shop. If you find we’re right, order still No. Cortez 12— 10c from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. Above cut-outs were taken from the 6-sheet poster on this film. We'll admit that the gal’s knee will need a little touching up by your artist, but outside of that they can be used pretty much as is. Mounted on cardboard or lobby board, they’ll add a bit . of color to theatre or front. Why not take your artist over to local exchange and see what he can do with ’em? G-Men—Criminal Display For window or lobby display, why not something along these lines? One side has bunch of tommy guns, revolvers and sawed-off shotguns; other side has handcuffs, foot chains and convict outfit. Caption underneath reads: “Killers with these weapons thought they could rule the nation. But after the G-Men started their ‘Man Hunt, the gangsters were wearing chains instead of guns.” Man Hunt In Classifieds Why not a man hunt in classified columns? Paper announces that tickets will be given to folks who find certain hidden names in the ads. Youngsters Hold Hunt For youngsters, you can arrange a miniature “‘Man Hunt,” run like the Hare and Hounds game. You start it at theatre, giving your man five minutes’ head start. The kids start their man hunt, with winners getting ducats. Using Teaser Campaign Posters, heralds and teaser ads could tell folks that there’s a Man Hunt on for Frank Kingman. A few days later you let ‘em know that “‘Man Hunt’”’ is the picture you're going to play. Hold Make-up Contest Most everyone is hep to fact that Chic Sale is a young fella, not the old guy he always portrays. This suggests contest for men who can make themselves up to look most like Chic. Could be done in lobby. Amateur Reporters Vie Newshawks play a large part in film, which brings to mind this contest for amateur reporters: Paper announces that it'll give ducats for best ““scoops’’ of the week. Journalism students, high school reporters and other amateurs are invited to try. News beats do not necessarily have to be on major events. Human interest or humorous local angles will do. Chained Man As Bally For lobby or street stunt, use a manacled man with placard on his back reading: “I’m the public enemy they were searching for in ‘Man Hunt’.” \n lobby he can have a ball and chain on his leg—if he’s on the street, send him out with another fella dressed as special police officer. Possibly putting ‘“‘prisoner’’ in convict garb would add to the flash. Cars Run Under Marquee Here's a stunt that_was worked. success fully on Spéciat Agént’ = Revorwing vert under marquee carries two cars which move around on belt until end of marquee is reached. Then belt and cars disappear, coming out at the other side a moment later. First car contains figures of gangsters —second has policemen. With sirens, gun shots and flashing lights, it made a pretty effective bally. Newspaper Co-op Ad If Youre On A MAN HUNT There’s no better place to find the man or men you need than in the Situations Wanted Column of this paper. You'll find that the highest type of men in all fields of endeavor advertise in THE RECORD. See "MAN HUNT" with Ricardo Cortez, Marguerite Churchill Charles ‘Chic’ Sale, William Gargan STRAND THEATRE Editor may be interested in running ad similar to one illustrated above. Plugging his classified columns and your show, idea might just happen to click. Why not drop in on him and talk it over? . Page Seven