Man of Iron (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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ADVERTISING ...-See what happens to this massive mobster when he tries to swap his gat for a top-hat! BARTON MacLANE 81 Lines Mat No. 105—10c aes 294 Lines Mat No. 302—30c [FOR 4-COL. ILLUSTRATION OF THIS AD, SEE PAGE 2] THE PUBLIC ENEMY OF ‘GMEN’ AND ‘DR. SOCRATES’ IN HIS FIRST BIG STAR PART! BARTON MacLANE THE TRAILER Seeing is believing, but these captions will give you a rough idea of what sales appeal this trailer has. For the full effect, however, we suggest you have it screened at your local Vitagraph exchange. You Hated This Man as Public Enemy No. 1l in "G-Men" As the Racketeer of "Black Fury" As the Desperado of "Dr. Socrates" MARY ASTOR e JOHN ELDR But Now You'll Love Him 15 Lines :. Mat No. TO7——T0e¢ 29 Lines Mat No. 108—10Oc In His First Sympathetic Role As the Big-Hearted Boss of the Steel Mills Barton MacLane "MAN OF IRON" It Takes a Woman of Charm To Tame This "MAN OF IRON" THE PUBLIC ENEMY OF ‘G-MEN’ SMASHES HIS WAY TO STARDOM! BARTON MacLANE MA « [ROK A First National Hit with MARY ASTOR ¢ JOHN ELDREDGE When He Swings into Action The Sparks Begin to Fly! It's the Kind of Two-Fisted Action You'd Expect From Barton MacLane In "MAN OF IRON" With Mary Astor Dorothy Peterson John Eldredge "MAN OF IRON" A First National & Vitaphone Picture 56 Lines Mat No. 211—20c Page Six