Man to Man (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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8 “MAN TO MAN” — A Warner Bros. and Vitap hone Production __ ie Wee Strangest Love Triangle resent The Screen Has Ever Known! THE GIRL Her sweetheart’s love was too good for his father—so she stole it for herself. THE FATHER Convict, murderer. His disgrace had robbed his son of romance. Would any girl marry the son of a murderer? THE BOY Torn between father love and sweetheart. love with honor hang ing in the balance. © | From the dramatic novel by sts | Ben Ames Williams GRANT MITCHELL LUCILLE POWERS PHILLIPS HOLMES GEORGE MARION Three Col. Ad—Style L—Cut or Mat -—_ What You Have to Sell | Man to Man, we’re telling you this is a great picture for any showman. A picture you can atm with the ammunition of smash advertising and loud ballyhoo and be sure it will hit the box-office target square in the centre. In these angles there is strength:— 1., A theme that strikes the heart of every potential customer in your town. It goes deep to the root of human relationships to find response from every parent and every son or daughter. 2. Stress the conflict between this father and his boy. How strong are the bonds of family? Can they ever be completely severed— even by disgrace? 3. Ask your audience to answer the question: Which is the greater debt—from parent to child—or from child to parent? 4. And don’t overlook the romance which abounds in the situation confronting the boy and girl when the return of his father threatens their love affair. 5. You can treat the picture as a romance, or you can treat it as a problem drama—and you’ll find it a money-maker either way. 6. The cast is big. Grant Mitchell, famous stage star, whose tours have made him a favorite in every part of the country. Phillips Holmes, a sensational success in “Her Man.” Lucille Powers, whose reputation grows with every picture. And George Marion, remembered for his splendid work in “Anna Christie?” and other films. 7. The director is Alan Dwan who tops a brilliant career of box-office and audience productions with ‘Man to Man.” 7 SRS ES SS cS a ane oa nt a ae aN ORE oT Ce Gee Ree a eee MR. SHOWMAN:— Talking straight from the shoulder— as man to man—-you are starting right for a whirlwind campaign, when you first flash across your screen the thrill ing “Man to Man” TALKING TRAILER 4 STRAND | r Strangest Love Triangle Fate Ever Drew! A girl who stole love from a boy, because she thought his father unworthy of it. See what happens when the son confesses to a crime greater than his father’s. WARNER BROS. Prese MAN*MAN Story by Ben Ames Williams GRANT MITCHELL PHILLIPS HOLMES =a LUCILLE POWERS GEORGE MARION Two Col. Ad—Style M—Cut or Mat