Man to Man (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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“MAN TO MAN ”? —A Warner Bros. and Vita hone Bisdicticn 1} MAN TO MAN Should A Girl Marry CONTESTS A Convict’s Son “Man to Man” €@ Natural For Big Newspaper Contest If fights, wrestling matches or football games are on in town, get out cards: “A Thrilling Man to Man contest is going to be seen at the |today. Tonight, see another great one at the _ Theatre— ‘Man to Man’.” Many good angles for spirited newspaper con tests are to be found in ‘SMan to Man.” 1. An essay for school children, or others, offering a prize for the best effort. Prize to be given at specified time. Let the subject be: “Man to Man—Why Shouldn’t Business Soon Come Back?” She steals a boy’s love Let the Talkie from his father—be TRAILER cause she thought he wasn’t good enough to Talk for You 2. Other subjects would be ‘Can a Son Live Down a Father’s Sin?” ‘Should Children Always Honor Their Parents?” “What Relationship Should Exist Between a Father and Son?” No question about it— it IS great! have it. WARNER BROS. Present AN MAN cia a ee — With stills from GRANT MITCHELL PHILLIPS HOLMES | Your Theatre and News Stores in CoO. Ad BOOK STORE DISPLAY ee is % Man to Man” is one of those pictures which lend LUCILLE POWERS GEORGE MARION | °‘Man to Man’’ to tie it 2 themselves to the co-operative ad, for shops selling | all together arrange for | goods used by men. ja showing of pictures of Two Col. Ad—Style O—Cut or Mat i red-blooded he-men in Call in your advertising solicitor, and start the ball rolling by taking an ad on your own. Then ask that he go to all sorts of shops catering to men—tailors, DON'T Mi | Ss NEXT : AGE shoemakers, haberdashers, cigarmen, garagemen, res | conflict—Stories of Zane | Grey, Peter B. Kyne and |O. Henry are good examples. Use card with || taurant keepers, and get them to put an ad in a co-operMore peppy exploita: ion play data. ative ad, which may be easily made into a double ideas are outlined on it! spread display. In this connection have a SEND THIS POST CARD coupon on the page which|GET SCHOOL KIDS GOING ON THIS FATHER AND will entitled those who bring it SON CONTEST in to a discount on their purSend the card below to households where there are fathers | chases. 4 sons: Who was the father’ of Justice Holmes of the Supreme Court? Who was the father of Mrs. Nicholas Longworth? Cards for windows giving Be Bather and Son: list of those participating in the ad, with the discounts offered—and data about ‘Man to Man” at your theatre. Who was the father of Princess Cantacazume Because ““Man to Man”’ is the finest father and son picture ever filmed we are taking this opportunity to write you personally, inviting you to come together—of course not forgetting mother and the girls of the family—during the run What grandson followed his granidfather as President? 1 2 3 4. What great French novelists were father and son? 5 6. What novelist is said to have caricatured his father in Micawber? 7 What president was the father of “Little Tad’? 8. What famous movie actor has a son who acts, paints, writes and of this thrilling story of devotion, sacrifice and love between res does creditable work in marble? father and son, and between man and woman. The engageMi A N T0 Mi A N 9. What multi-millionaire has a son named Edson? ment begins Ga Ba a eae EET SRT next. 10. What great father and son play is now at the Theatre? Cordially your friend, Should be seen by all fathers and sons—at the || 4NSWERS—1. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 2. Theodore Roosevelt. 3.. President Grant. 4. Alexantlre Dumas, pere et fils. 5. John Quincy Adams. 6. Charles Dickers. 7. Abraham Lincoln. 8 Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. 9. Ford. 10. ‘Man to Man,” a Warner Bros. Vitaphoproduction.