Manpower (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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National RESISTOL HAT Promotion Stars GEORGE RAFT, sich { Warner Bros’ new success MANPOWER’. automatically fits any shape head, Let a try on convinee you... “It’s the Most Comfort. — _ Many sman at FIVE DOLLA _ by leading merchants. Others up to TWENTY DOLLARS. =~ This exclusive method of _ Me cttoching the leother to ® the hot guarantees that | Resistol hots will ft ony apeheadcomfortably Sas Manufactured b THE BYER-ROLNICK CO., Garland, TEXAS Dealers are invited to write for agency informat Here's the half-page "'Manpower''Resistol ad that pre-sells your show to millions of Esquire readers. Day-and-Date with Release! Pre-Sold in ESQUIRE! Local Tie-Ups Ready! 1, NEWSPAPER AD MATS Newspaper mats for local dealers are available on request to ByerRolnick, Garland, Texas. Ads available in two sizes—1l00 lines on one column and 100 lines on two columns. Go after this extra space! 2. PRE-SOLD IN ESQUIRE Ad shown here (in reduced size) will be seen by millions of ESQUIRE readers day-and-date with film's release. Contact local RESISTOL dealers for window displays of ad blow-up plus stills and window cards. i 3. FREE TRAILER An extra send-off for your "Manpower" showing . . . tells its story quick, direct and with great effect! Yours for the asking . . . write or wire Mr. Harry Rolnick, Byer-Rolnick, Garland, Tex. 4, WINDOW POSTERS Attractive colored poster for windows and counters is available to all Resistol dealers. They'll provide valuable window and counter space in advance and current with run. Arrange for displays, ads, trailers, etc. —NOW! SS SS SSsSSsssssssunssssnsnsnssnsssusssmssssss FOR LOCAL DEALER NAMES AND OTHER INFORMATION WRITE MR. HARRY ROLNICK, BYER ROLNICK, GARLAND, TEXAS 6