Misbehaving Ladies (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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ES aT wirected By Bill Bedadine —As Are All Of The Screen’s Most Human Stories WHIMSICALLY HUMAN PICTURES _ LIKE “MISBEHAVING LADIES” ARE FAVORITES OF GREAT DIRECTOR William Beaudine, First National Director, Tells Why We Do Best the Things That Interest Us the Most (Interesting Feature) William Beaudine, whose latest directorial triumph is First National’s ‘‘Misbehaving Ladies,’’ which comes to the ee ree Theatre next, says that it is one of the stories which he was able to approach with no fear for the results. ‘‘We should all understand our limitations,’’ says Mr. Beaudine. ‘‘Personally my type of picture is the whimsically humorous, and I never depart from that sort, except under rigorous protest. If the public has liked pictures I have directed —such as ‘‘That’s My Baby,’’ ‘‘Sparrows,’’ ‘‘The Life of Riley,’’ ‘‘The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris,’’ ‘‘Fugitives,’’ “Two Weeks Off,’’ ‘‘Hard to Get,’’ “‘The Girl from Woolworth’s’’ and ‘‘ Wedding Rings’’—it is because all were pictures / ® Youthful Inventor Your Program Readers Lila Lee in ‘Misbehaving Ladies” starting next Friday Ben Lyon in ‘Misbehaving Ladies”’ starting next Friday Cut No. 19 Cut 15¢ Mat 5c Cut No. 18 Cut 15¢ Mat 5¢ ? ALL KNOW LILA LEE | LYON VERSATILITY Ben Lyon, male lead in “Misbe. having Ladies,” a First National pieture coming to the Lila Lee who is seen in “Misbehaving Ladies,” a First National picture which comes to the Cut No. 15 Cut rsc Mat 5c Ben Lyon, in his fine portrayal of a struggling inventor, is just one of the reasons why “Misbehaving Ladies” at the Strand is so worthy an attraction. Lila Lee has the leading feminine role. A Gold-Digger On Main Street Louise FAZENDA Lucien LITTLEFIELD Emily FITZROY Cut No.2 Cut20c Mat 5c YOUR CAMPAIGN Let us know about your campaign for “Misbehaving Ladies.”’ We shall be glad to pass your ideas on to other exhibitors. FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES, Inc. Publicity Department. 321 West 44th Street New York City “A director is just as much a specialist as an author. Could Thomas Hardy have done a Milt Gross, or Harold Bell Wright have written ‘The American Tragedy’? Life is so many-sided that one man can hope to eatch it from only a certain number of angles. “In the directing of ‘Misbehaving Ladies’ I had a combination of circumstances exactly to my liking. In the first place there was a delightful Juliet Wilbor Thompson story; the marvelously true dialogue of Julien Josephson; Jack Okey as art director and John Seitz as chief cameraman. “A}l these adjuncts would have been useless, however, without the proper people to make the characters of the story live. Such a cast I was given, for it included Lila Lee, Ben Lyon, Louise Fazenda, Lucien Littlefield, Julia Swayne Gordon, Emily Fitzroy, Martha Mattox, Virginia Gray and Oscar Apfel. “As for the human interest and humor of ‘Misbehaving Ladies’ it was delightful to me to imagine an Italian princess entertaining Cook tourists from America, selling her autographed photographs to them—but the real kick comes when it is discovered that she is in reality an American girl, from the tiny village in the Middle West. She is a princess by marriage but her prince has tippled himself free from the mortal coil. “Imagine the situation when the princess, returning to her small home |, town, is mistaken for a seamstress, and offered a job—which she accepts —preparing for the arrival of the princess! Do you see what I mean when I say TI like to direct human pictures?” Another of Mr. Beaudine’s precepts for keeping alive mentally, is to have outside interests which are entirely different from one’s life work proper. For years, he has been a man of more mental bypaths than probably any other director, With J. Stuart Black Lila Lee Charming As Princess Royal And Hometown Girl (Current Story) “Misbehaving Ladies,” the First National picture now at the......... Theatre, is giving local film fans another Lila Lee, heroine of so many | different types of films. | The whimsical, rollicking ecomedydrama based on the story by Juliet is undoubtedly her most exacting role, with her fine performances in “Drag” and “Woman Hungry” as the only runners-up for honors. Miss Lee is the small-town girl who marries an Italian prince, and_returns widowed to her home town, only to be mistaken for-a seamstress who has been hired to prepare for the princess’ arrival. Ben Lyon also has a pleasing role, and Louise Fazenda and Lucien Lit tlefield are seen in parts that provide hilarity throughout the picture. William Beaudine directed ‘“Misbehaving ladies,” which Julian Josephson adapted to the screen. into which I could put my own personality. Wilbor Tompkins, gives Miss Lee what | ton, he published a national magazine called The Motion Picture Director. He has owned and traded real estate; sub-divided a mountain resort; chartered a ship,-and sent its crew to New Zealand for a eargo of kauri gum and other products; and now he is financing a new process for ore reclamation in the old dumps at Randsburg. He rarely associates with film folks, because he thinks they lead a life that is of very little interest to the public. He genially explains, “We seldom have to portray each other to the public, and in my leisure hours, I’d much rather associate with folks in the other walks of life, whom we do portray.” The tall, lean director, however, is one of the most sociable and_ hospitable men in the industry, and is extremely popular. He is a devoted husband and father. LILA LEE-BEN LYON | Louise Fazenda — Emily Fitzroy, Lucien Littlefield — Oscar Apfel A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PICTURE . Theatre next, has played opposite more male stars than any other actress of her experience in pictures. From Rudolph Valentino and Thomas Meighan to Lon Chaney she has at some time appeared with star of virtually every male im portance. LILA LEE IN NEW FILM Lila Lee, Ben Lyon, Louise Fazenda, Lucien Littlefield, Julia Swayne Gordon, Emily Fitzroy, Martha Mattox, Virginia Grey, and Oscar Apfel are principals in “Misbehaving Ladies,” a First National picture now current at the Theatre. The picture tells the story of a small-town girl who goes to Europe, annexes a bankrupt prince, and upon his death returns home to marry her village sweetheart. Cut No. 11 A Story Of GoldDiggers On Main St. See ere next, is one of the few players fortunate enough to be able to alternate between talking picturea and legitimate productions. Lyon recently appeared on the Hollywood stage in a revival of David Belasco’s “The Boomerang.” Ben Lyon Again on Earth Ben Lyon says he was glad to get his feet on the ground to do the lead opposite Lila Lee in “Misbehaving Ladies,” First National’s picture which <comes=to.the =o ss es Theatre 25s next, after two years up in the air doing the spectacular aviation film, ‘Hell’s Angels.” You’ve seen gold-diggers on Broadway, but wait ’til you get the lowdown on the Main Street type — where the suckers are easy to Cut 60c Mat 15¢ ‘ Page Seven