Missing Witnesses (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“Based on investigations of rackets in New York and the bringing to justice of various racketeers, “Missing Witnesses” brings to the screen a well woven crime melodrama | oo MP ODAILY CAST OF CHARACTERS De peCIOr Dane a, eit ee aa ee ae John Litel Bull Megan aioe eke a ea te eae Dick Purcell PAE TN OPOOIE nee esto yavesncnciatints CURIE OBITS re ae aa ME TIRIIUD Ol TR ad peed ole ed Seo We HOE oo en ee access wane “Little Joe’ MMaeey as 8 i WAR SHE OIE 5 Sie, orice soe, Ne EER Os EO Riot IN ig oe PIOGTTIS Se ae ee mais The story begins with a rapid-fire expose of the packing of every level of life in a certain big city with assorted criminal racketeers, all working for one great organization. Their daring causes the formation of a new undereover law body created by the Governor to combat them, and to find witnesses. Heading the body is the Special Prosecutor’s aide, Inspector Lane (John Litel), and his assistants, Emmet White (William Haade), and cocky, two-fisted Bull Regan (Dick Purcell). Then Mary Norton (Jean Dale) enters his life, and he promptly falls in love with her. She has reported that Ward Sturgis (Harland Tucker) is the head of the crime racket. As secretary in connection with his legitimate enterprises, she had accidentally learned of his PPG Ce ee ee ee Chivty: Preducorre see hae PROie Pheer e e aee rr eCiOn of See ee oe ee SOTCON NAY. (GY. 5.05i os ee a cle pe Photography by 20 33 eth ees Vale TO eee a Dialogue Director. 20000 Apts Dette ea ag eo ST” eS, cae a i ate eer ees he Oren Ree CONE UY Oa en ee Or ene cc ep Jean Dale Ee eee ee Sheila Bromley Sap N nee Gl ee Go he William Haade Seeks Wine de Apheace Saal 2 a eae Ben Welden eS ae Ree ea ge Raymond Hatton hace vaca aA ot SS aan Akt Harland Tucker PRODUCTION STAFF BRD ORS Sle ie tr ie ye William Clemens Kenneth Gamet Don Ryan praia ste aan tune ae Sid Hickox, A.S.C. eC ett eel ne a ore eae Fred Richards THE STORY guilt and just escaped with her life from his yacht. Word then comes that Ward Sturgis’ body was found with several bullet holes in it, in the bay. Damning evidence points to Mary as his killer, and suggests that her appeal to Inspector Lane was just a clever scheme to make her appear innocent. Bull is assigned the unpleasant job of arresting Mary, and even he is convinced of her guilt when she gives him the slip and puts him “on the spot” with his superiors. When they catch Mary later, by a clever ruse, she is being led away by Bull when she gets a glimpse of Ward Sturgis — alive! Bull takes another chance on Mary’s innocence and honesty, and they catch Sturgis, who confesses to being head of the city’s vast crime organization. Mary and Bull then live “happily ever after.” a ee Country of origin U.S.A. Copyright 1937 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.