Missing Witnesses (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Dick Purcell, the movie actor, has one of the handiest collecting hobbies because it takes little room. The Warner Bros. player currently featured with John Litel and Jean Dale in ‘‘ Missing Witnesses,’? collects short film ‘‘euts’’ of notable pictures. The little four-inch strips of film are bound in books of the same size with casts and picture title printed on the pages between. Dick is to be seen in ‘‘Missing Witnesses,’’ at the Strand Theatre. Blonde Jean Dale ‘‘helped’’ cut her newest picture, Warner Bros.’ ‘‘Missing Witnesses,’’ in which she plays feminine lead opposite Dick Purcell and John Litel, and which is now showing at the Strand Theatre. That is, she sat in with the film cutter for a day or so, watching him work on her picture — not to see that he didn’t discard all her pet scenes, she avers, but to get pointers for cutting her own amateur movie films. John Litel was to have been a lawyer if his mother’s prenatal wishes counted for anything. And althought he became an aetor instead, there may have been a prenatal influence after all. Litel has not only played a great many lawyer parts on stage and sereen but he has been studying law. as a hobby and may take bar examinations soon. In his newest picture for Warner Bros., “Missing Witnesses,” which is now showing at the Strand Theatre, he enacts the part of a detective, but he was also able to be technical advisor on the film for Director Clemens. tion,” : oxpl citations Press and Program Shorts Director William Clemens, who recently made ‘‘ Missing Witnesses’’ for Warner Bros., knows his stars —both kinds. His hobby is astronomy and he has a good reflecting telescope he built in his own workshop. A newly-wed, he has taught his actress wife stareraft, so she will not be a telescope widow. His most recent work, ‘“Missing Witnesses,’’ will be seen at the Strand Theatre next week. Dick Pureell, John Litel and William Haade (of ‘Kid Galahad’ fame) have ‘‘organized’’ their charities. Joining forces first as principals in the Warner Bros. pie. ture ‘‘ Missing Witnesses,’’ to aid a needy ex-star, they decided the elub charity idea a handy scheme. They will all be seen in ‘‘ Miss ing Witnesses’’ next week at the Strand Theatre. William (‘‘Kid Galahad’’) Haade and a movie writer are collaborating on a screen story which they hope to sell to Warner Bros. as a vehicle for Haade and the husky red-headed star, Dick Foran. These two he-men are about of a size: oVer six feet tall and two hundred pounds in weight! Bill is now appearing in ‘‘ Missing Witnessess’’ at the Strand Theatre. Jean Dale, hailed by Warner Bros. as their newest feminine acting sensation, did her stuff for three days as leading woman opposite Dick Pureell in ‘‘ Missing Witnesses,’’ and muffed nary a line. That’s probably an all-time record. The picture is now showing at the Strand Theatre. Another ‘Hit’ For John Litel John Litel is an up and coming star. Play up this angle-by displaying scenes from his former hits: ‘Black Legion,”’ “Back in Circula‘Give Me Liberty,” “Alcatraz Island.”’ Copy: “More thrilling than ‘Black Legion,’ More action than ‘Alcatraz.’ See ‘Missing Witnesses’ at the Strand. Questions For “Man On Street” The important problem facing police officials is to get witnesses to testify against criminals in face of warnings received by the witnesses. Use this query for Inquiring Reporter stunt: “In spite of warnings to withhold information from the police, would you risk becoming a ‘Missing Witness’ at a court trial of racketeers?”’ . ing in his second William Haade, the New York structural steel worker who played the lead and ‘‘clicked’’ in the stage play ‘‘Iron Men,’’ and subsequently made an even greater hit as the big heavyweight champ in ‘“Kid Galahad,’’ is now appearmovie. It is ‘“Missing Witnesses,’’ a Warner Bros. melodrama that comes to the Strand Theatre next week. Haade is featured with Dick Purcell, John Litel and Jean Dale. William Clemens directed. scription machine Patrons Search For The‘Missing Witness” Can be run along same lines as Treasure Hunt. Photo of your ‘missing witness’ is posted on lobby bulletin board along with de quents, and where he was last seen. Patrons are asked to search for the ‘witness’ and bring him to your theatre. First one to do so receives prize and Honorary Degree for Town’s Number One G-Man. Search For Blonde With Lobby Teletype Set up in prominent place in lobby. Have the search is being conducted for beautiful blonde girl, said to be the ‘Missing Witness’ in the murder of Ward Sturgis, well-known “inancier. Strand Theatre on Saturday.”’ Novel Display With Ballistics Kquipment Arrange with local police department for display of microscopes, calipers, etc. Cards explaining their various uses should be placed under each piece. Copy: ‘‘Ballistics Equipment used by police department in “‘Missing Witnesses’ coming to the Strand Saturday. Display From Actual Case Records Look through newspapers files for headlines of prominent cases of missing persons and kidnappings, also stories on racket-busting. Display with appropriate stills from picture. Copy: Yesterday's Blazing Headlines Come to Life in “Missing Witnesses.”’ x3 5G Newsstands Tie up with local distributor of detective magazines. Arrange for display of tack cards on newsstands, truck banners, heralds and slipsheets. of habits, places he usually fre run off this copy: ‘“‘Nation-wide For further information attend the ORR OE PSUS INO ROMEO re re Tn ts PL Page Three