Missing Witnesses (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Don Ryan, noted newspaper man and novelist, met Kenneth Gamet, fictionist and former actor... Ryan was conducting a very popular column, ‘‘ Night Court,’’ and Gamet wrote radio sketches... They decided to pool their knowledge and experience and write for the movies and in a few months have been sensational successes... ““Missing Witnesses’? now showing at the Strand, is one of their new-pattern tales, notable for stark realism and dramatic quality ... Anonymous ecollaborators are judges, detectives, peace officers who are fighting new-type rackets in all our big cities and know this writing pair that gets its material from real life . Ryan and Gamet write their original stories, for submission to the studio, long — this one ran 116 manuscript pages, mostly doublespaced, on letter-size paper ... the finished shooting ’seript which they also wrote was but a little longer. William Clemens, one of Warner Bros.’ ace directors despite his tender age (27), was selected to guide the making of the film ...John Litel who made a hit in the same writing team’s first vehicle, ‘‘Midnight Court,’’ was selested to head the cast ... pretty Jean Dale, former night club rhythm singer and dancer, asked for a screen test for the feminine part and despite the fact Jean was being ‘‘saved’’ for a big musical, and hadn’t been considered a dramatic actress before, she won the part easily against hot — and ” xp citation: Judges and Detectives Collaborated On Film some very notable — screen-test competition ... Dick Purcell was slated as the slugging detective who finally learns to use his head instead of his fists, and wins the girl... Further realism about police methods placed sensational William Haade of the N. Y. stage’s ‘‘Iron Men’’ and secreen’s ‘‘Kid Galahad’’ fame, 216 pounds of brawny Irish ready-fisted former steel worker, into another top role . Ben Welden and others ¢arefully chosen to represent police and underworld characters .. . Ryan, Gamet and Director Clemens took Warner easting officials to downdown Los Angeles police headquarters and there made them study rogue’s gallery portraits, to improve the realism of bit character selections . . . famous oldster of the screen, Raymond Hatton, wanted a part in the film but at first didn’t get one so he went downtown by himself, and made up to represent a rogues gallery CCTab? tone LO) -SOtethe. part! Trouble developed early in the picture because of Litel’s popularity with producers on the Warner ‘“lot?? . . . He was wanted for parts in three other pictures almost at once and finally the ‘‘ Missing Witnesses’’ schedule was shifted around so he could do one other feature, and one Technicolor featurette ... The courtroom set was constructed under the supervision of Art Director Bob Ross by the film industry’s greatest courtroom specialist, Ted .Smith, who reveals Get Notice With Summons An old-timer in the advertising field that holds good to plug this picture. Distribute in parked cars, near court houses, law schools, etc. Copy: Strand Theatre, Plaintiff versus Mr. and Mrs. Moviegoer, Defendants . . . . Summons. To the Defendants: Notice is hereby given to you if you are a Missing Witness at the showing of ‘Missing Witnesses’? you forfeit the chance to see one of the most thrilling pictures of the year at the Strand Theatre. Classes Hear Cop Crime Talk Sponsor talk by local police official in the assembly of high school. His subject could deal with ways in which the citizens of the community can cooperate with the police in the prevention of crime. that next to middle class dwellingplace living rooms, the courthouse is the most-used type of set in motion pictures . In ‘Missing Witnesses,’’ however, a great variety of other sets were used from complicated city streets to a palatial yacht, bits of picturesque waterfront, tenements and ritzy penthouse apartments. Want Ad Ad: Missing Witnesses who know about the man behind the rackets please be present at the Strand on Saturday to testify. _ Set up Bureau of Missing Witnesses on busy Help To Find Missing Persons Patrons knowing of missing people may turn in the names on cards to your theatre to be turned over to the proper police officials. Police official can be present at inauguration of Stunt to speak in theatre, urging public to cooperate with police and theatre on this plan. street corner. Attractive girl behind counter hands out heralds and other novelties which you may use to advertise picture. Display stills from picture around counter. Easy Quotes For “Missing Word’ Quis As newspaper contest or throwaway. Object is to write down the missing word in each sentence. Answers appear in parentheses: 1. “Give me liberty or giveme....__. ”” (death) 2.5 cl aves Mentonra s,s: fe (Horse) 5. “Won't fire till you see the... of their eyes.” (whites) +, AUstitch iy tune saves <u, (nine) Dior ait tb , we are here! (Lafayette) Oy it oa One Wav to ” (Tipperary) eta Asi at fee tolls the knell of parting day.”’ (curfew) Se and the Pauper” .... (Prince) Patrons Recognize Stars” Missing Faces Novel lobby contest can be arranged by displaying photos of famous screen teams. Blot out part of faces and ask patrons to supply the name of the ‘missing’ person. Stills of the following teams can be displayed: Allen Jenkins and Frank McHugh, Joan Blondel! and Dick Powell, Glenda Farrell and Barton MacLane, Billy and Bobby Mauch, etc. a! FE RIS 23788 LEON eee: SOARES ARES BPR Page Five