Missing Witnesses (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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ADVERTISING There's a Missing Witness in This Town Who Can Blast the Rackets Wide Open! MISSING WITNESSES with JOHN LITEL DICK PURCELL » JEAN DALE Directed by William Clemens Original Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet and Don Ryan -A First Nat'l Picture Presented by WARNER BROS. 65 Lines Mat No. 204—30c Tomorrow This Girl Will Vanish Without A Trace! JOHN LITEL DICK PURCELL JEAN DALE Original Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet and Don Ryan Directed by William Clemens « A First National Picture Presented by WARNER BROS. 37 Lines “Mat No. 107——15c Selected Vitaphone Shorts 3402—“THE LYIN’ MOUSE”’ (Merrie Melodies). A hilarious takeoff on the old Aesop fable, ‘The Lion and the Mouse.’ (7 mins.) 3503—‘“‘MYSTERIOUS CEYLON” (Color-Tour Adventures). The mystic East brought to you by E. M. Newman's color cameras. (10 mins.) 3603—‘‘PORKY’S DOUBLE TROUBLE” (Looney Tunes). The irrepressible Porky, mistaken for a gangster, in and out of more hot water. (7 mins.) a 3202——‘AT THE RACES” (Vitaphone Novelty) in which Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen puts the popular Charlie McCarthy through his paces as a jockey. (10 mins.) 3705—-JAN RUBIN! ORCHESTRA (Melody Masters). Sweet Rubini rhythm by one of the more popular orchestras. (10 mins.) 3904—-“VITAPHONE FROLICS” (Vitaphone Variety). Four topnotch stage performers including Jack and Loretta Clemens. (10 mins.) Page Ten TOHN LITEL + DICK PURCELL: JEAN DALE Directed by William Clemens Original Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet and Don Ryan 62 Lines Mat No. 203-——30c Official Billing WARNER BROS. 40% Pictures, Inc. present 5% MISSING WITNESSES 100% with JOHN LITEL @ DICK PURCELL JEAN DALE 15% Directed by William Clemens 20% Original Screen Play By Kenneth Gamet 20% and Don Ryan 20% A First National Picture Thilo. | Cog ~ 8 ae He ¥ A Socky Guiw loelfordt He ett Shots EPPA wes tls fP tates r=. a Racketeers Terrorize City! Hundreds Of People See Crimes But They're All Afraid To Talk! Only One Girl Dares To Tell Her Secret! Can She Escape Underworld Vengeance! Or Will She Meet The Fate Of..... MISSING WITNESSES! Why Do They Vanish Without A Trace? Get The Startling Answer From The Girl Who ‘‘Put The Finger’’ On The King Of Crime And Disappeared! | “MISSING WITNESSES”