Moby Dick (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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al aiaieatiies —— Warner Bros. Present John Barrymore in “MOBY DICK” (Advance) »sMORE SOON HERE IN “MOBY DICK” ADVANCE NOTES * WHALING EPIC, “MOBY DICK” er Bros. and Vitaphone Adaptation Of Herman Melville’s Immortal Novel Of the Sea, ------Theatre _------Next ——— BARRYMORE IN “MOBY DICK” of th Manager ...--.-----CO -.-cecocneoemn Theatre announces -. next as the opening date for Warner Bros. and Vitaphone production, “Moby Dick,” starring John Barrymore. “Moby Dick” is a screen ada tion of the immortal novel of whaling days by Herman Melville. Joan Bennett plays opposite Mr. Barrymore. Lloyd Bacon dir WARNERS TURN WHALERS Three expeditions were sent out by Warner Bros. before a whale suitable to impersonate Moby Dick, terror of the seas, was captu John Barrymore plays the part of mad Ahab, New Bedford whaler, who spends the best part of his life in search of the monster that had wreaked such havoc on ships and sailors. Joan Bennett plays opposite Mr. Barrymore. Lloyd Bacon directed. John Barrymore in “Moby Dick” at the ........ Theatre SEA-GOING STAR SAILS John Barrymore, who plays the part of the mad captain of a whaling vessel in pursuit of Moby Dick, the evil white whale, in the Warner ¢| Bros. and Vitaphone picture of that name which comes to the ........--.Theatra .......-.. next, is a seaman of no mean ability in his own right. He is the owner of two yachts, and should occasion demand it, can perform all the duties of the crew as effectively as the noted Gilbert and Sullivan captain of the queen’s navee, “Moby Dick” is supreme | among sea-plays, and even Barry whale, with which sailors’ wives quieted troublesome children a hundred years ago, are incorporated magnificently in this picture. The conflicting loves of mad captain Ahab and his brother for the pretty daughter of the minister is an added but invaluable factor in the screen version of the novel. As Captain Ahab, insanely bent n wreaking vengeance on the monstrous “Moby Dick,” Barrymore builds up a character that can not soon be forgotten. It will probably go into film history as the greatest role of the star’s great career. The photography is beautiful and the storm scenes, actually taken at sea, are breath-taking. John Barrymore will be seen in thir talking picture —-------—~ eal at the = min mani tre when Warner Brothers Htaphone version of Herman MelNe’s novel, immortal story of Shaling days, “Moby Dick,” will be ywn. Legends of the depredations of Moby Dick,” the great white Barrymore in **Moby Dick” Applies Own Knowledge of Sea — (Advance) ‘ohn Barryrpore, whose latest rer Brothers picture, “Moby k,” comes to the .......---. Theatre . next, is no novice when it weeeeeee BARRYMORE COMING, STARS AS AHAB IN “MOBY DICK” (Advance) “Moby Dick,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone picture starring John Barrymore, comes to the ....... Theatle aa. next. Based on the famous novel of Rone, OOD Scene trom "Mob CAPTAIN AHAB TELLS HIS LOVE TO FAITH Daughter of the New Bedford minister, neither guessing the dark years before their love can find consummation. Production No. 3—Cut or Mat ————————— eee BARRYMORE WHALING DRAMA ean-going vessels, @ schooner t, “Mariner,” and a steel power ht, “Infanta.” Between pictures the star is usally to be found on board one of ese boats, cruising some strange P bastline or fishing in out-of-theay places in the South Pacific. more has never been quite so fine. Lloyd Bacon directeu. The lovely Joan Bennett plays lead. ~~ te, Mrs. Barrymore, the former Do Baer EaTme ss eee | ine same name by Herman Mel! “MOBY DICK” FILMED IN STORM pareaic, sailor aml aiwige SOOUMPNS S| ville, the story of mad Captain -_—————— ¢ HONORS CAME LATE “z 4 Few technical advisers available Ahab and his long hunt for the **Moby Dick,”’ W arner Bros. and Vitaphone “Moby Dick,” the immortal classic of whaling days, won fame as one « of the world’s supreme writers | many years after his death. John — Barrymore, who has earned fame ) { ; i great white whale, is the most spectacular drama ever transferred to the talking screen. The most difficult voice-recording ever attempted, taken during a furious storm at sea while the whaling ship, rebuilt for the purpose, was being tossed about in almost helpless fashion, is heard in this version of “Moby Dick.” Joan Bennett plays the feminine lead opposite the star and Lloyd Hughes, Noble Johnson, Walter Epic of Whaling Days Starring John Barrymore, —-----Theatre _-—--Next unequaled by any other actor of the day, appears ........... next at th __..... Theatre in the Warne Bros. and Vitaphone screen versic of “Moby Dick.” This is Barr more’s greatest characterizatic and greatest vehicle. Joan Benne plays opposite. Lloyd Bacon ¢ rected. (Advance) Filming a storm at sea offers ob|the story the typhoon, behind which stacles enough but when it comes | the fabled white whale was said to to recording one on the Vitaphone, | travel, occurs in the China Sea, but aboard a pitching sailing vessel, | as that is a part of the Pacific and such as was necessary in the mak| all of the Pacific looks alike in a ing of “Moby Dick,” the Warner | storm, the scene was filmed off the Brothers picture starring John California coast. Barrymore and coming to the .....| Almost every member of the cast , Joan Bennett plays opposite the . Gastar and Lloyd Hughes is cast as ththe evil brother. The part of Ahab, | Wthe mad sailor who sails the seven } fokeas to avenge victims of the white stiwhale, gives the greatest performeepace of his great career. € BARRYMORE TRIUMPH John Barrymore appears at the” one 'B sea Long, Nigel De Brulier and Jack : ; é JBarrymore Triumphs Curtis cae in the cast. Lloyd Bacon Theatre .....--.... next, it tests the and picture crew had a touch of} 7 Theatre, # pla = , | directed. courage of cameraman and crew. | sea-sickness before those sequences|“Moby Dick,” the Warner Bros. : Llo In Whaling Classic| “Moby Dick” was the basis of The good ship “Mary Ann,” con| were complete. The little whaler | and Vitaphone adaptation of Here : | an earlier silent picture in which | verted into an 1840 whaler for the | was handled roughly by a sullen -_—, = — —_ — onl ! pur «Mob B asseseng hapten ha. Son Bsoat min occasion, cruised about the Pacific | ocean. sn8_ #2 ees — and of ag eg en whe "tor years x oby Dick” was the most fam’ for some days before the storm the |casts were in danger of being bursues that terror of the ‘ weather man had promised ap—hi = ts Sg Rage _— ic Wate e ship was burie e recordpeared over the calm Pacific. ing apparatus, catching each swishing wave and each sound of the ‘ind through the rigging. The authenticity of this recording is worth the trouble of getting it. It adds a realism so effective in the final scenes that “Moby Dick” has become the most dramatically thrilling sea picture ever made. The story of the madman’s apparently hopeless chase of “Moby Dick” about the world, told so effectively in’ Herman Melville’s novel by the same name, has been brought to the Vitaphone screen with all the adventure and romance intact. Mr. Barrymore chose Joan Bennett for the leading role opposite him in this picture and Lloyd Hughes, Noble Johnson, Jack Curtis, Walter Long and William which Dolores Costello, now Mrs. Barrymore, played the role esaayed this time by Joan Bennett. the white whale — which has wrecked numberless ships. Joa Bennett plays the lead. Lloyd Ba con directed. Lip tac?Us and infamous whale that ever lived. Ancient and grizzled tars, retired now, still recount the hairraising legends of the great white twhale, that killed sailord and tremirecked ships. ae The Warner Bros. and Vitaphone of Mrsion of the immortal Herman an Telville novel of this name, in oat hich John Barrymore will appear ‘at ee ni TROGO 2. next, qoners thrilling melodrama against and g background of stormy seas and se tstormier passions. Nothing just ut like “Moby Dick” has ever been atgeartempted on the talking screen before. Authentic and spectacular, itaoithe epic struggle between man and i €the world’s greatest living,monster, whalmakes “Moby Dick” a picture that ee ager go be forgotten. Joan Benaga nett plays opposite Mr. Bar re. ville’tLloyd Bacon directed. — DESCRIPTION OF THE GREAT WHITE WHALE TAKEN FROM MELVILLE’S IMMORTAL “MOBY DICK” The whale had become entangled in the harpoon-line that he towed. . -he had also run away with the cutting-line in him. . .so that, tormented to madness, he was now churning through the water, violently flaying with his flexible tail and tossing the keen spade about him, wounding and murdering his own comrades. This terrific object began to recall the whale herd from their temporary fright. . the lake itself begins to heave and : tat swell. . .a low advancing hum was soon heard. . .and then, Whaling are characters in the cast. Saal like to the tumultous masses of block-ice when the great Lloyd Bacon directed. coloss N jdenizBARRY MORE GREATEST river Hudson breaks up in the S pring, the entire host of MOBY Di ele IN “MOBY DICK” whales came tumbling upon their inner centre as if to pile “MOBY DICK” WHALEae “ apture (Advance) themselves up in one common mountain. . . TALE, STARS BARRYMORE | “Oars! Oars! Grip your oars and clutch your souls, now! My God, men, stand by! Shove him off, you Queequeg— the whale there!—prick him!—hit him!—S pring, men— pull, men—never mind their backs—scrape them!—scrape away!” _; Waters, John Barrymore does his m che wouperb characterization as a ihab, pursuer of the evil white Joh vhale, in “Moby Dick,” the Warner i ohrBros. and Vitaphone production | poy atwhich comes to the ............. Theatre yj s VY... next, for an indefinite run. PhJoan Bennett plays the lead, Lloyd 4 man MBacon di thalin Mighty in conception, dramatic in the extreme is the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone adaptation of Herman Melville’s classic of whaling days, “Moby Dick,” which comes to a Theatre .......---.. next. The best news is left for the climax. John Barrymore is the star.