Moby Dick (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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~ | 4 tee 7 ae | — _——_ Abas ma naa——-_——_—<_ , \ = —ecqpeememms\ MOBY DICK, LEGENDARY HERO +. eee OF ALL DEEP SEA MONSTERS Facts About the Mightiest n Sea or Land Some C urtous Of All Animals Known 0 ————————— (Feature) “Moby Dick,” the great whale of the North Atlantic, now immortalized by Herman Melville in his novel of the same name, is now is a peaceful brute ordinarily, and does not molest shipping unless it is injured and in the process of capture. “Moby Dick” is the most thrill— ing sea drama ever brought to the loves the sea and everything connected with it, once ma Beast,” a silent picture for Warner Brothers. based on the same | novel. The Vitaphone version is much more elaborately staged, an offers an entirely new thri every audience. Joan Bennett plays opposite Mr. Barrymore in “Moby Dick,” and Lloyd Hughes is cast as Derek, | & the jealous brother. Lloyd Bacon | ge directed. family of creatures that have ever lived upon earth. The whale is the largest animal known, either living or fossil. It exceeds in length, girth and weight any prehistoric mastodon known to science. As every one knows, the whale is a P| mammal, not 4 fish, and the circumstances that forced the creature, ages ago, to take to the water and to give up life on land, have long been debated. without any satisfactory conclusion, “Moby Dick” was 4 white whale of great size and with a peculiar hatred of whalers and whaling ships. For centuries he is said to have appeared and disappeared until he became 4 legend of the sea and formed the basis for the great more -A Warner Bros Production : 5 Barryinore in'Moby Dick Varner Bros.Production. _ YATRED RULES HIM he pursues the man-killing whale. Production No. 5—Cut or Mat Scene from ” Moby Dick" starring John Barry FAITH THINKS AHAB NO LONGER LOVES HER Deceived by his jealous brother he drinks to forget. Production No. 6—Cut or Mat LLOYD BACON DIRECTS MAKING OF BARRYMORE’S “MOBY DICK” Heaviest “Heavy” Is Whale in “Moby Dick” The heaviest villian ever to feature in a motion picture, is se i Warner Brothers’ “Moby Dick,” starring John Barrymore, at the __.... Theatre. She weigh a mere sixty-nine tons, but is made up to look as the Days of “Moby Dick” Melville novel. 2 (Current) Highty-ton whales are not unthough she weighs ninety. : The common. Albino whales, which ap| COW’ whale’s feminine curiosity —_—_—_—_—_— about the Malibu coast, led to her (Biographical) = mother was an actress. ; f “Moby| He was educated in San Fran-__* In the days of “Moby Dick,” so amatically reproduced in Warner | pear white against a dark ocean, f\have been reported at various Whales are thought to attain a great age, although it is practically impossible to check this absolutely. A sick whale often attempts to reavh the shore to die, re produced annually at that|4 fact which accounts for the free, most of it used for fuel in| quent beaching of the dead sea yamps and stoves. Today, the an| brutes along the coast lines. The al output of whale oil the world| bones that once formed the ani.pver, is approximately 70,000,000 mal’s legs i in si lions, but only a tiny fraction of until they are now merely “flip» or “flukes,” and a whale, being cast in this part. Attempting to crash a film celebrity’s beach party, she came blowing along in sight of Warner Brothers’ whalers out looking for types. “Moby Dick” is the most pretentious sea picture ever made. Joan Bennett and Lloyd Hughes lay opposite Mr. Barrymore. L oyd Bacon directed. ADVERTISEMENT 8B % p | Lloyd Bacor stock Tr er tory Lloyd Bacon, director 0 Dick,” the Warner Brothers’ Vita| cisco and Santa Clara College, phone special, starring John BarSanta. Clara, rymore, now showing at the ------_— California. Theat oa -. San Jose | & His stage exea re, was orn in S82 se,| 22 perience began California, thirty-seven years ago.| # in 1907, when His father was Frank Bacon, ; played the author and star of “Lightnin’.” times. gore is starred, and ying at WN casiennntomin Theatre, ew Bedford, Mass., was the whalcapital of the world. Some ,000,000 gallons of whale oil ® “ _ @ t= ° ® =i — at is used for light and heat.| pers hale oil is valuable as a base beached, will be crushed by its own or cosmetics, soap and butter sub| weight and die almost instantly. itutes, and while much of the| The commercial value of the | done some work whale has always been consider< Stock S-122 in pictures as oa = Cut or Mat : 6 ae a cautile actor and director wheie up danger and romance has gone from e whaling profession, it 18 still |able. In these present days of hig fone of the most profitable of all) prices, a big whale wili be worth sea trades. nearly $15,000 in oil, bone and ferJoan Bennett and Lloyd Hughes | tilizer. Centuries ago, the value lay leads opposite Mr. Barrymore. of the oi] alone was enough to loyd Bacon directed. Critics con| cause thousands of men every year coca Fac aye on to risk their lives in their capture. i Cy) : ursues the white whale oe vengeoo aay yige tigre ie eo cs the greatest of his spec| water for a considerable nS and | acular career. = oe to ees’ depths. A’ belows-like stomach, similar to 4 “MOBY DICK’”’ pleated cloth, enables the whale to expand greatly and to inhale tre The already famous and extremely elusive white whale that is 1918 he joined the navy. cast, After discharge from the sei vice, he returne to Hollywood, \w -, 1921, he became asso‘ciated with Lloyd Hamilton as his | director, after three years going to Sennett, where he directed Turpin ‘and others. After directing several pictures | for Universal, he was signed to @ | long term contract by Warner | Brothers, his first achievement \being “Broken Hearts of Holly | wood.” | He has since directed producf “Private Izzy Murphy,” Herman Melville’s Immor' al Classic of W haling Days! 4 | mendous quantities of air. WARNER When Moby Dick was being | 805 Captain Ahab, hand | present eR Aaa disporting himself in the waters |sought by mad of Massachusetts Bay has been|harpoons were the only weapons seen again. A coast guard patrol used. Today, harpoon guns make 'tions 0 boat commander reports that he | quick work of the great monsters, \«white Flannels,” “The Heart of and whaling 1s no longer as | Maryland,” “A Sailor’s Sweet| heart,” “Finger Prints,” “Brass | Knuckles,” “Pay As You Enter,” sighted the “critter” several times off Scituate on Monday afternoon, and that it frolicked and spouted in the water ahead of the craft, but would not permit the coast guardsmen to approach very near it. Perhaps it was an anti-prohibition whale. Seriously, however, the white whale is one of the rarities of the ocean. It inspired the greatest saga of the sea ever written. Melville’s “Moby Digk.” We may not expect this modest specimen of Massachusetts Bay to emulate that as it was a “Women They Talk About,” “The Singing Fool” and again directs Jolson and Davey Lee in all-talk‘ing, “Say It With Songs.” Mr. Bacon’s famous father | heartily disliked the movies, an \is an odd turn of fate that the son | should now rank among the most | celebrated moving picture direc| tors of the country. dangerous a business century ago. The whale captured for use in the picture, “Moby Dick,” was 4 Ss LIKE A WHALE Dauntless braverys wounded pride, hopeless love — emerging triumphant in the greatJOAN BENNETT Hamlet Do you see yonder cloud That’s almost in shape of a cam Polonius el? at last with | THROWING A TUB TO A WHALE colossal, romantic and wonderful denizen of the deep; but it shares y and ‘tis like ¢ i i j ywith him a part, at least, of the camel, indeed. est thrill picture ever LLOYD HUGHES ,Anusual. We hope he will not be ! i _ = = 4 7” aptured, but will long live in these || Bfe thinks i Banmt made! An epic of ad MAY BOLEY — } raters to ae amen of joy t6 e thinks it is like a weasel. venture as turbulent and WALTER LONG a agit custom, when -he world. Polonius : ' and a great east. hat ea to fling him —Boston Post. It is backed like a weasel. mighty as the sea itself! sdaated for rg out an empty is by way of John Barrymore is no 3 Hamlet : _<. gence to divert him from ing at the 2 Hs gi Or like a whale? Grubb = Directed by laying violent hands on the ship. Moby Dick,” Warner Brothers and Selcinlin = a oy acon. = —Jonathan Swift— a =e 1667-1745 Tale of a Tub Very like a whale. Vitaphone screen adaption of Heramlet, Act. iii, Sc. 2 man Melville’s immortal classic of *haling days. One Col. Ad—Style D—Cut or Mat