Moby Dick (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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Warner Bros. Present John Barrymore in “MOBY DICK” HOW BARRYMORE OF “MOBY DICK” GOT HIS TATT (Biographical Feature) HOW YOUNGEST SON OF FAMOUS FAMILY EARNED OWN FAME f John Barrymore, who is starring in Herman Melville’s immortal | Ja classic of whaling days, Dick,” the Warner Brothe Vitaphone production, now at the| he should follow the family of America. He is the der the tutelage of Geor * |man and other celebr ERs ne 5 18 080 emg of Lionel and j Ethel, children of Maurice Barrymore and Georgie Drew. The late John Drew, dean of diately after he submitted his first sketch. papers a bit more successfully, however, as reporter, i his own stories. At the age of twen he abruptly decided t self to the theatre. career has been one of the most colorful of American contemporary actors both on the stage and in motion pictures. In 1903 he made his st as Max in “Magda.” starred in “Toddles, ohn Barrymore. Stock S-79 Cut or Mat Order Separately Mrs. John Drew, the elder, famous as actress and producer, ty-one years, 0 devote himSince then his YOU MUST KNOW age debut He then ” “The Fortune That John Barrymore, now at Despite the fact that John—or ck as he was called in those days “Moby | —was brought up in surroundings rs and|that made it seem inevitable that e an artist and d painting unge Bridgeated teachers, Eager to put his work to prac| tical use, he engaged himself on) two New York newspapers. It is a matter of history that he worked | for exactly twenty minutes on the | Morning Telegraph, leaving imme He served on other news illustrating (Current) MO “80 ti Theatre, amount of trouble until an assis putting them on, instead of in. | the question to actually take the tattooing needle to the skin of the star. Such marks have always been painted on by experts in miniature work each day during the makeup period. This has always proved a slow and painstaking process.) It took less than an hour to put on the half dozen very effective marks that Parrymore wears in in reality used by almost every the tattoo marks and making an imprint—as Andy would say—in colored inks each day. This saves time and effort and makes sure Roo Howe SS SS cn m "Mo The picturesque, sea-going tattoo marks that John Barrymore boasts as Captain Ahab in Warner Brothers’ picture “Moby Dick,” caused makeup experts no small tant suggested the modern way of Naturally, it was quite out of “Moby Dick.” The bright idea— studio in the business, consists of rubber stamps of the designs of every detail, and his Voice immeasureably to the power ,/ characterization. “Moby Dick” is the dramati, ture version of the famous Me; novel of the same name, the of the man-killing white and of mad Captain Ahab wh lowed the monster over the seas seeking vengeance. Joa: nett and Lloyd Hughes ha portant supporting roles. Bacon directed. le nl (Biographical) Lloyd Hughes Cast As Barrymore Kin In “Moby Dick’ Lloyd Hughes, who so portrays D John Barrymore in the Warner and Vita tion of tht immortal Herman Melville classic é of whaling days, # now at the .... Theatre, was born in Bisbee, ¥ Arizona, his } parents being non professionals, forcefull: erek, the evil brother o “Moby Dick,’ phone adapta of Life,” “The| Scene fro After gradu ; Hunter,” “A Slice 7=A Warne that the designs are always iden-| ating from the — ae "SE tect woe Affairs of Anatol,” “A Thief in the | 497 Sarrymore-4 Wernerbros froduction aa ee Se si Se: ry Beet ture, Warner Brothers’ “Moby eee ie ibig HIDEOUS AS AHAB’S MIND carter hae offered no part so in= i es sae Ep eae ice,” “Peter etson.” “Redemp| . % ; SF 2 there, he turne Dick,” is: lee ras tion,” “The Jest.” “Richard the|'s the tiny god of the savages he tensely dramatic as that of the illhis attention to éloy “ughes . 1. Palo amiet of this Third”—and finally, after a tricontemplates so grimly. fated whalingman of New Bedford. | the screen. He Style J-18 B : um ph ant characterization of Production No. 7—Cut or Mat | His makeup is marvelously true in | has appeared in Cut or Mat 2. The younger brother of the Hamlet”—he _was scclaimed by such pictures as “The Mysterious Island” and many prominen York and Lo Shakespearea t critics of New Order Separately | ndon as the greatest “Where East is famous Lionel and Ethel, —. (Biographical Feature) The husband o 3 f the lovely n actor of the day. East” for ne en Maver, ; His screen career includes and in “Heart to Htart,” “No Piace Tey Ten “Bates tere Comes ine Brides) JOAN BENNETT PLAYS OPPOSITE penne Se pata : “Sherloc olmes,” “The Lotus ee 99} “An air o e Follies” for * hee favorite nephew of the Eaters,” “Dr. Jeky! and Mr BARRYMORE IN “MOBY DICK First National, American cee, dean of the Hyde,” “RB B l,” “The § Mr. Hughes is athletic, his f voAmerican stage. haar “Whe a i, Aye if vite aaa bein olf ‘swi satis “Don ’ Juan Ne ray Wiceteaees ae Joan Bennett, youngest of the tree is William Wood, famous Enand handball, hein 'married = ™ — pac Rob ture to include synchronization, | three beautiful] daughters of Richglish pantomimist, and another Gloria Hope, a professional. He igs “General Crack,” height, weighs one and “The Man/|ard Bennett, Stage sta r, and leadgeneration back was the distin-| six feet in : from Blankley’s.” i . hn B i ished nager of the old Dru hundred and fifty-five pounds and 6. The son of Maurice Barry, ing lady for John arrymore in guished ma ge ry : more, keenest wit of his Mr. Barrymore is the husband of | pi. latest Warner Brothers picture, Lane Theater in London. has dark brown hair and gray eyes. time. Dolores Costello. The couple have . a one daughter, reminiscently named | “Moby D oe ap at ~~ Educated in (Biographical) ' 7. A devotee of dee sea fishDolores Ethel, ~~ ‘Reatre, can trace me America and : ing and a sailor experitheatrical ancestry back through | Barrymore Again France, Miss — Bennett nad never professed an interest in the stage or seven generations, (Current) Barrymore Wit Wins Aided by Bosworth Hobart Bosw ling dFather of Dolores Ethel Her grandmother, Rose Wood, Barrymore. was featured on the American | Stage at the age of eight, later | orth, veteran char . acter actor, who frequently is fea John Barrymore, the distin ‘ ; tured in pictures in which John becoming the featured attraction Screen, although | p ; ee ; “x . : ’ arrymore is starred, pl ‘Barrymore, Star of Moby —— Pig = pi tags star, is}in New York and Philadelphia they had part oa, Rev. Mr. Marple ti ous for his ready wit. stock companies, where, membered sh ae it is re | Warner Brothers a e frequently played | claimed both of Dick” Acclaims Talkies nd Vitaphone ( Curseaitd In the playback room at Warner ick,” the Her her sisters, Con-| Version of “Moby D Brothers’ Studio during the filming | opposite Maurice Barrymore, the Stock J-17 stance and Barfave no keels i Tne “Although I still like the silent | of “Moby Dick,” the drama of| father of the star of “Mob Dick.” Cut or Mat ; jays opposite the drama,” declares John Barrymore, whaling days, now at the 0 : y .,_ | Order Separately a Suddenly pan Heanett plays opposite the ws =i ge Berm pain eetecnTs: Ber at 2 a Still further back in the family she _ returned | star. oyd Bacon directed. of whaling days, “Moby Dick,” now member of the company reminded === —_—_———— ode scl i oy ES. Theatre, “J him of a certain memorabl r’ Sather for 2 part in his new enjoy o thes picture more, Plead formance of “Hamlet” in’ ov (Current) Production, “Jarnegan,” just about ADVERTISEMENT intrigue the Imagination, an pro-| York. It happened ne: th i es vide such a fertile field for innovathe play. i aiveuties fer 2 John Barrymoze Has = = ' tion. death, a yokel in the gallery . Joan scored a gr “There is — more real enter| vent to ; loud ak Reclining Curious Hobby that play as bending sotsin tee ‘ainment in a ta ing film than the in the stage fl Z i i i ; | ld fashioned dummy picture. I do slowly ret his ead bet gece John B ho i i oe ae a | 10t stop with the statement that | his face to the audience Slowly he | . s aie ee oe pene peMew York <> ae | she a _ a aes as = remarked: “How far better it ig {in his third talking picture, “Moby | her out as highly promising mateShinar FES roverbial doornail. 1S not only | to die th n live j ick,” i i i oak tat ee permanently.” | fey ve : 2 eo = wort peopled | Dick,” now showing at the western, | Tal, Her first picture was oppo site Ronald Co Theatre, has one of the most nove] and interesting of hobbies... _ He is a collector of rare and ancient Chinese snuff bottles. Some of these bottles are over six hundred years old and were in popular use in the Orient at that time. Of elaborate design, the bottles are made of ivory, glass, and hard woods. Those made of ivory and wood are beautifully hand carved with Chinese figures, while the glass snuff bottles are hand paint 2d on the inside so the colored designs show through. The role of Ahab in “Moby Dick,” the Herman Melvil Iman in “Bulldog Drummond,” and her most distinguished success was Arliss in “Disraeli, Brothers. she was j important Barrymore — E ADVERTIS WARNER BROS. Presenyr— other engageaway for this y. ments were cleared important opportunit Miss Bennett is a natural blonde, five feet, three inchetall, and weighs one hundred and eight pounds, beauty is =. : € classic of camera and long association with Tue Sa fon. Mat whaling days is Barrymore’s Su-{ stage people has Slven ber a voice ug—Sty prere part. that is both charming and unusual eteo) St R = “HONE oe Dick,” his~—-— —SeoeouEEE