Moonlight on the Prairie (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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ADVERTISING “THE SINGING COWBOY ARRIVES WITH He’s new! He’s different! You'll * shout “What a man!”..with a horse or a gun ..a gal or a song .. as he wins his spurs as a star! with SHEILA MANNORS GEORGE E. STONE FIDST of the NEW WARNER: WESTERNS | 176 Lines Mat No. 208—20c HERE HE IS—THE SCREEN’S NEW-WEST STAR! ¢ It’s a doublebarreled blast of songs, thrills and chills! “MOONLIGHT On THE PRAIRIE With Sheila Mannors e George E. Stone 62 Lines Mat No. 210—20c : Page Four THE TRAILER The copy below doesn’t nearly tell the whole story of the trailer. In it you hear Foran sing the swell cowboy songs from the picture—you see the highlight action of the film, with stampeding horses, gun-play and the rest. It’s a swell way to get up your Singing Cowboy— use it! Here Comes Dick Foran, The Singing Star Of The Saddle Again! Warner Bros. Bring Something Different To The Screen The Golden Voice Of The Plains Dick Foran, The Singing Cowboy In His First Action-Crammed Adventure Romance Moonlight On The Prairie See 5,000 Wild Horses In A Mad Stampede See The Night Riders Charging Across The Plains In MOONLIGHT ON THE PRAIRIE With The New Singing Star Of The Saddle Dick Foran With Sheila Mannors, Dickie Jones, Robert Barrat, George E. Stone And Smoke, The World's Most Intelligent Horse ANEW SHOOTING STAR BLAZES OUT OF THE WEST! . . . ina double-barreled blast of songs, thrills and chills! If it’s action you want __. «= here’s your man. 154 Lines Mat No. 209—20c