Moonlight on the Prairie (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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EXPLOITATION CRASHING THE MUSIC SHOPS @ Title page, illustrated at left, is available on both songs from picture. One is printed blue on white; the other is pink on white, both with plenty of title display. They’re FREE in limited quantities, so order yours in a hurry. FREE RADIO SKETCH Just the thing to help sell show. Two cowboy songs of the type that have become so popular lately, the punch-packed Western action that radio listeners love—all contained in 12 minutes of fast-moving dialogue from film. Remaining three minutes are for picture plug. If you can use the radio sketch, write to Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City, and you'll get a mimeographed copy for each member of the cast by return mail. BALLY ON STAGE COACH If there’s an old stage coach in town, banner it with your theatre plug and send it around town. Four horses hitched on an old-time wagon ought to ‘rouse interest. TWO WESTERN NOVELTIES they’re LARIAT LUCKY NAIL —$7 per M. RING Order direct from: ECONOMY NOVELTY CoO. 225 West 39th Street, New York City These two novelties can be used as giveaways to kids at opening, but really good enough to offer as prizes for contests you’re holding for youngsters. The lariat is priced as follows: 25 to 49—7 4c each; 50 to 99—7e each; 100 or over — 616c each. The nail ring is a nickelplated horseshoe nail. Card plugs star and picture in addition to giving directions on how to make the ring. Price: $7.50 per M; 5M or over Order from: SAM SERWER R. C. A. Building, 1250 Sixth Ave., N. Y. C. Department Store Tie-Up Department and toy stores might co-operate with displays of cowboy and Indian outfits for the youngsters. Be sure your stills and copy are worked in. Cowboy Quartet Contest New York recently ran a barber shop singing quartet contest which broke in the papers with a big splash and had the Mayor officiating at the finals. This suggests a cowboy quartet contest along the same lines, with finals on your stage. Cowboy Yelling Contest If a little noise won’t bother you, have a “Yippee” and “Kiyoohoo” contest on stage or in street. Youngsters vie for the honor of yelling loudest and most closely imitating a real cow yell. Remember to Plug Songs Film contains two singable cowboy songs. Bands and vocalists in clubs and on air might plug *em—and your show, if you speak to them. BURGEE The Singing Cowboy MOONLIGHT ON THE PRAIRIE Made of attractive colored duck, it is available in two sizes. 20” x 30” 24” x 36” Order direct from: ART FLAG, Inc. 449 West 42nd Street New York City Camera In Lobby Snaps Folks In Western Duds And here’s another lobby stunt. Set up a camera along with a cowboy outfit. Patrons can have picture ‘snapped of themselves in cowboy duds, paying a dime for the privilege. O'r can you promote the works by giving co-operating photographer credit? HORSES PARKED FREE Hitching post with card shown can be planted on corner or in front of theatre. Maybe you can park an old horse there— to make it look as though it’s being used. Organize Charity Rodeo Combination horse show and rodeo would make a good charity event at local ball park. Horses from riding academy, a few trick riders, some rope throwing, and the show’s on! You get behind it with ducats and organization, and you stand a chance for some good publicity. Noted Westerners Contest Want another contest for the kids .. . or grown-ups, too? A display of famous westerners like Buffalo Bill, General Custer, Chief Sitting Bull and the rest, with contestants trying to identify photos is one you might try on your ole mustang. 30” x 40” AND LOBBY STANDEE 2: Colored—$3.50 each; black and white — $2.25 each. Fully colored, cut-out, 6 feet in height — $7.45 each. NATIONAL STUDIOS, 226 W. 56th St., N.Y.C. Page Seven