Murder in the Clouds(Warner Bros.) (1934)

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"MYSTERY RIDES THE AIR LANES! A winged monster streaking through the clouds on a mission of doom — turning the heavens into a hell of horror—striking out of the clouds like lethal lightning! When you meet him —pray! There’s nothing else to do! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE SKIES FOR THE GREATEST THRILL ON EARTH! A First National Picture with LYLE TALBOT ANN DVCRAK GORDON WESTCOTT THEATRE 95 Lines Mat No. 17—10c A First National Picture with LYLE TALBOT ANN DVORAK GORDON WESTCOTT And a Circus of Death-Defying Airmen T HE ATRE 342 Lines Mat No. 10—30c MYSTERY RIDES THE AIR LANES! MURDER ene IN THE MYSTERY IN THEAIR! MURDER QN WINGS! First National’s Sky-high Thriller with De ee ANN DVORAK GORDON WESTCOTT ail UD LYLE TALBOT ANN DVORAK 59 Lines Mat No. 19—20c 64 Lines Mat No. 21—20c Page Four