My Bill(Warner Bros.) (1938)

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|Anm intensely human picture ... the sort that will bring them into your theatre. — Los Angeles Examiner The Heart-to-Heart Story of ONE WOMAN’S FAMILY! There was my Bile with poth father and ng of rascals: ANVILLE 6 * be trying to DY mother to this £3 BONITA GR ANITA MURIEL 18 and kissable REGINALD ; BILL 16 and kickable in i 9—and just Bill? Directed by JOHN FARROW ¢ Presented by WARNER BROS. « Screen Play by Vincent Sherman and Robertson White « Adapted from ‘Courage’ by Tom Barry « A First Nat’l Picture Mat 107 — 71 lines — [5c / with KAY FRANCIS BONITA GRANVILLE * ANITA LOUISE e BOBBY JORDAN « JOHN LITEL ¢ DICKIE MOORE Directed by JOHN FARROW Presented by WARNER BROS. Screen Play by Vincent Sherman and Robertson White Adapted from “Courage” by Tom Barry A First National Picture Mat 207 — 222 lines — 30c WHAT KIND OF CHILDREN ‘ARE YOURS? They’re Like. : Or Like This This Little Little Darling— Angel— SPANK ’EM! SLUG ’EM! Gee, Sweethe if you weren’t my mother, I'd marry you!” oS a “4 iy . : Or Like This Or Like This Little Guy— | Little Armful— J FIGHT THE | MARRY ’EM OFF! R WORLD FOR EM! incent Sherman & Robertson White Adapted Directed by JOHN FARROW « Presented by WARNER BROS. « Screen Play by Vincent y Sherman and Robertson White + Adapted from from “Courage” by Tom Barry + A First National Picture “‘Courage’’ by Tom Barry «A First National Picture Mat 105 — 60 lines — I5c Mat 209 — 180 lines — 30c [3]