My Bill(Warner Bros.) (1938)

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“<VMy Bill’ excellent show . .. chock full of entertainment. of the) type that any ticket buyer will be happy to have seen. lake — Hollywood Reporter ‘*Remember, Bill. ..a fellow’s best girl friend is his mother!’ **O. K., Sweetheart, P’myour Number 1 man from now on!” with KAY FRANCIS BONITA GRANVILLE*ANITA LOUISE « BOBBY JORDAN JOHN LITEL-DICKIE MOORE Directed by JOHN FARROW : Presented by WARNER BROS. You'll love Kay as the . 1) ’ 4 | pretty young mother of one big scrappy family in the year’s most lovable hit! Screen Play by Vincent Sherman & Robertson White. Adapted from ‘‘Courage’’ by Tom WW A First National Picture Mat 302 — 245 lines — 45c SHE LOVES Him Kay's fallen in 4 big way for this Short-pants romep) KAY as in KISSABLE! That’s the KAY in WARNER BROS.’ SHE LOVES Him NOTE This banker offers Kay lots of ‘Security’ but no ‘interest's : BONITA GRANVILLE ANITA LOUISE BOBBY JORDAN JOHN LITEL DICKIE MOORE Directed by JOHN FARROW 4 KAY FRANCIS BONITA GRANVILLE « ANITA LOUISE e BOBBY JORDAN « JOHN LITEL ¢ DICKIE MOORE Directed by JOHN FARROW Presented by WARNER BROS. Screen Play by Vincent Sherman and Robertson White Adapted from “Courage” by Tom Barry Screen Play by Vincent Sherman & Robertson White + Adapted © A First National Picture from “Courage” by Tom Barry: A First National Picture Mat 210 — 118 lines — 30c Mat 208 — 140 lines — 30c [4]