My Past(Warner Bros.) (1931)

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6 Warner Bros. Present “MY PAST”—A Vitaphone Picture en — a (Review) “MY PAST’ HERE, ACCLAIMED BEBE DANIELS’ BEST ... THEATRE—Warner Bros. present “My Past,” a Vitaphone production. Screen adaptation and dialogue by Charles Kenyon. The cast includes Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon, Lewis Stone, Joan Blondell, Natalie Moorehead, Albert Gran, Virginia Sale and Daisy Belmore. Directed by Roy Del Ruth. Bebe Daniels is captivating as the featured player in “My Past,” screen version of the sensational novel of the same name, which opened last night at the.... Theatre. Also fea ared are Miss Daniels’ lately acquired husband, Ben Lyon, and the sterling favorite, Lewis Stone. The latter plays the part of a business man who for years has madly loved the famous actress whose profession takes her away from him for much of the time. ‘The play opens when she has returned and is being entertained on the yacht of her middle-aged lover, when his young business partner, played by Lyon, arrives, and at once falls violently in love with her. The older man sees without malice the state of affairs. The wife of Lyon returns from abroad, finds him with the actress and sails back to get a divorce, glad of a chance to marry another man. Lyon discovers the sorrow which the loss of Doree would be to Stone, and himself goes abroad. The real story begins here, and ends in a climax of moving and sensational beauty. Unusual and enthralling from first to last, “My Past” warrants your every effort to see it. It is not alone the beauty of the story and the fine direction which makes “My Past” so memorable. It is-the true characterizations of the people who portray the parts. Lewis Stone, always sincere in his acting, seems to have a new note of pathos in his role of John Thorniey, the middle ged man who at last ‘realizes that he *t give _up—ths,.wornan. whose love! i} yeen so much to him for many rs, to_the younger man who has 1 her love. cake 3en Lyon as the youth who finds aself in the plight of appearing {se to the older man who has been 3 best friend and business partner, ays the part with manly sincerity | ad understanding. There is a muted ‘eling about the play, faintly melan| 10ly overtones that seem to foretell hat is to come. Bebe Daniels as the woman who somes between the two men and determines to conceal from the older man the love she feels for the youth —does the finest work of her brilliant career. “My Past” is a play that will linger in the minds of those who see it, like remembered music. { BEBE DAN [ELS in her greatest dramatic achievement A tell-tale biography to which the author dared not sign her name! BEN LYON and | LEWIS STONE | Her Love Lived for a Moment — Her Past Forever ! NATALIE MOOREHEAD JOAN BLONDELL A WARNER BROS. & VITAPHONE PICTURE Begins Saturday METROPOLITAN Cut No. 9—Cut 40c, Mat 10c HONEYMOON WITH PAY FOR LUCKY BEBE AND BEN|BEBE DANIELS WAS “My Past,’’ Warner Bros. Production, Features Bebe| Daniels and Ben Lyon, Now Showing at wen Oe the.... Theatre Two of Hollywood's most popular newlyweds enjoyed a delayed honeymoon when the picture in which they were working together went on location for ten days. Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon, who recently dazzled the film world with their sumptuous wedding, had no opportunity for a honeymoon trip as both were continually busy before cameras and microphones. And plans for one could not be made as no sooner did one finish a picture than the other started another. But when the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone company making, “My Past,” the current attraction at the . Theatre, deserted Hollywood and went on location, the stars combined business with a honeymoon trip. The troupe cruised on a luxurious yacht to Catalina Island and sailed the surrounding waters filming scenes of this screen story of modern love. Miss Daniels enacts the title role in “My Past” with Ben Lyon playing opposite her. Lewis Stone, Joan Blon dell, Natalie Moorehead, Albert Gran, | ’ Daisy Belmore and Virginia Sale hav important roles. : (Advance) “My Past’? a Triumph . For Bebe Daniels _ A large American city, a luxurious yacht and the Italian Riviera provide the backgrounds for “My Past,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone production in which Bebe Daniels is featured, now at the... . Theatre. Miss Daniels is seen as a captivating star of the legitimate drama in this daring story of modern love adapted for the screen from the novel of the same name. Lewis Stone and Ben Lyon appear as rivals for her Blondell, Natalie Moorehead, Albert Blondell, Natalie Moorhead, Albert Gran, Virginia Sale and Daisy Belmore. Roy Del Ruth directed. Bese DANIELS BEN LYON asd LEWIS STONE Cut No. 15 Cut 15c Mat 5c (Current) BEN LYON | Biographical Feature STARTED STAGE CAREER AT SEVENTEEN Ben Lyon was seventeen when he; played his first stage role. Oddl enough it was in Booth Tarkington’s play, “Seventeen.” After a successful run on Broadway the play went on the road and toured the United States for two years. Ben never left the cast during this time. Lyon, who has the leading role in “My Past,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone production at the.... Theatre, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and educated in the public schools of New York City, and in Baltimore City College, where he was a football and baseball star. His second stage role was opposite Jeanne Eagles in “The Wonderful Thing.” Then followed a tour with “Three Live Ghosts.” This was followed by _ his first screen role,: a part in “The Heart of Mary-§ land.” He: scored a_ decided hit. in; eMary A446 Third” and was} subsequently}; chosen for the} lead in ‘Potash and _ Perlmutter.” Shortly there| after he was awarded the on lead _ opposite s eee U oO. ee ‘ a ine Cut 15e Mat 5c Youth,” together with a _ contract with First National. Under this agreement he made most of his pictures in New York. They included “Painted People,” “So Big,’ “One Way Street,’ “Winds of Chance,” “The Perfect Sap” and “Seven Wives of Bluebeard.” After two years in the Eastern studio, he traveled to Hollywood to appear .with Billie Dove in “The Tender Hour.” Later he went on a six weeks’ vacation to Europe but “wien né arrived in Berlin he accepted | a co-starring role with Lya Mara, European favorite, in “Dancing _ Vienna.” Returning to Hollywood, Lyon captured the leading male role in “Hell’s Angels,” Howard Hughes’ air spectacle. For the past three years he has played intermittently in this film, fulfilling other film engagements from time to time. His recent productions include “Lummox” and “The Flying Marine.” He is a licensed airplane pilot, having recently won his governmental card. He recently married Bebe Daniels, one of the most popular of the screen stars, and is settled in Hollywood, although once he declared that he would never live anywhere but in New York. fo Ben Lyon is featured in. “My Past,” the Warner Bros, and Vitaphone picture now at the.... Theatre, with his wife, Bebe Daniels, and WORLD’S YOUNGEST | (wis Stone. PLAY PRODUCER|What About Your Past Among her many claims to fame, | “My Past,” the Warner Bros. pro Bebe Daniels holds the distinction of duction featuring Bebe Daniels, Ben having been the world’s youngest theatrical manager. Lyon and Lewis Stone, and coming to Ahe2.-. «5 Thentre-.S = “next; vividly recalls the past life of a When she was eleven years of age|famous actress whose name is with Miss Daniels was appearing Belasco’s stage production, Squaw Man,” when the Child Labor in|held. Many who see the moving ro“The | mance will no doubt recall half-for gotten episodes of their own lives which would make great drama if Law interfered, and a grown-up was | disclosed. placed in her part. This so impaired the company’s box office business that | the little girl had to be made a partner in the firm. She continued to play her role in order to protect her own production interests. Bebe Daniels’ latest talking film is “My Past,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone screen version of the sensational novel now being shown at the .... Theatre. Ben Lyon, who lately married Miss Daniels, plays opposite the star, and Lewis Stone has an important role. Roy Del Ruth directed. Charles Kenyon wrote the screen play and dialogue. Miss Daniels plays the part of Doree, loved by ali men as an actress —and by two men as a woman—with || emotional power, exquisite tenderness and youthful buoyancy. It takes rank among the really great characterizations of the talking screen. (Biographical Feature) LEWIS STONE HAS HEROIC PART IN “MY PAST’? HERE Perhaps one of the best tests of the fact that Lewis Stone is a great artist is the way he has maintained a steadily increasing following. After a few years on the screen most players have to make way for the younger people that are introduced. But that is because they are not great enough for the public constantly to find something new in_ them. Every picture in which Lewis Stone appears _ LEWIS STONE is further eviCut No. 20 dence that he is Cut 15¢ Mat 5c an exceptional artist. His old ad mirers are always seeing something else in him to admire—and there are always new ones to make his list of fans one of the longest of any screen star. He was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1879, and was educated in New York City. As far back as 1901 he began his stage career in a play called “Sidetracked,” which was produced in the old Third Avenue Theatre in New York. He made his first picture under Thomas H. Ince in 1915. It was “Honor’s Altar,” in which he had the leading role. His success was instantaneous. <A few of his many well known productions are “Cytheria,” “The Lost World,” “The Life of Helen of Troy,” “Scaramouche,” “The Prisoner of Zenda,’ “Man’s Desire,” “Nomads of the North,” “The Trial of Mary Dugan,” “The Big House,” “Wonder of Women” ard. “The Office Wife.” E Stone is considered a handsome man. He is almost six feet tall and has grey hair and hazel eyes. One of the attributes which make him such an outstanding figure is his perfect poise.’ Every gesture is natural and graceful. He never overacts. His voice is the voice of a well trained actor. Cut No. 16 Cut 20c Mat 5c Shadows of the Past e Joys and shadows of our own past lives are brought forcefully to mind by “My Past,” the Warner Bros. romance, featuring Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon and Lewis Stone, and coming: £0 the... ...-. SBCMET@ 2505-3 next. The part of Doree, assumed name of the famous actress whose story is told, is said to be the greatest of the career of Bebe Daniels. OFFICIAL BILLING Warner Bros. Present... BEBE DANIELS “MY PAST’ with Ben Lyon and Lewis Stone... Joan Blondell Natalie Moorehead Pete cec ee cennenccneeneccneentencacescrecccusecesenescsue Screen Adaptation and Dialogue by Charles Kenyon Directed by Roy Del Ruth... A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production...