Never Say Goodbye(Warner Bros.) (1946)

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FlynnParker Post Gards Tell ‘em It’s Gay WIN FREE MOVIE TICKETS! Find the neighbor who has received a post card with ERROL FLYNN’S photo! @ If you bring ERROL FLYNN and ELEANOR PARKER together, you will receive free tickets to see the love story the whole nation is going for!! Patron will be asking patron about “Never Say Goodbye” after this mailing. Idea is to present guest tickets to any two persons who present a pair of F lynn-Parker post cards. Print these post cards locally as illustrated. You f ick ean control the number of free tickets Werner's Raved= Bhoot lea «ce! “NEVER SAY GOODBYE” tt the STRAND (D AT €E) by limiting the mailing of the Eleanor Parker cards to whatever number is desired. Photos of the stars in Ad Mat 303 on page 13 should be cut apart for the art required in these post cards. | Here’s How Flynn’s Got A Gleam In His Eye... For Peephole Gag! A 6-foot high blow-up of Errol Flynn’s head with a peep-hole in his left eye gives you a unique display for lobby. Post the regular l-sheet behind the peep-hole for your patrons to see. IN THE LOVIN'EST HIT IN VEARS!!! ee <—— LOBBY CONTEST Set up this display as suggested, offering guest tickets to those who write the most enlightening Order “rules for romance.” Writing area on the dis play may be a blackboard or compo-board. Order Warner Bros. WIN FREE MOVIE TICKETS! Find the neighbor who has received a post card with ELEANOR PARKER’S photo! © If you bring ERROL FLYNN and ELEANOR PARKER together, you will receive free tickets to see the love story the whole nation is going for!! Warner’s RavedAbout Romance! “NEVER SAY GOODBYE” tt the STRAND (D A T E) “Still 653-532” FLYNN’s got that gleam in his eye! from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th St., N. Y. 18, N. Y. This 40 x 60 Tells ‘em In A Romantic Way Here’s an attractive way to set up a “Still 653-533” display in your 40x60 lobby frame. Key clinch still is available. Others are 8x10 scenes from your branch set (Nos. 14, 20, 37, 116, 117, 127). from Warner Bros. Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th St., N. Y. 18, N. Y. Se ee |