No Place to Go(Warner Bros.) (1939)

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ADVERTISING ras 2820s ED EES | ae a : : ee: yee SEVEN JOINS SEVENTY FO ser ae es J Pe ee ee a ‘ Ds Hotta thee eae i When seven joins seventy in a search for adventure... there’s no limit to It’s a sure-fire combination for furious fun and breathless excitement... when this lovable pair of kids gets together... and in Dutch! the laughs, no stop to the excitement, no end to the way you'll cheer! FRED STONE SONNY BUPP DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON Directed by Terry Morse Presented by WARNER BROS. FRED STONE SONNY BUPP DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr. ° Adapted Directed by Terry Morse z — ; Presented by WARNER BROS. Presented by from the Play “Minick,” by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman » = ARNER BROS. A First National Picture Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr. e Adapted from the Play “Minick,” by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman <j Directed by A First National Picture Terry Moree Mat 108 Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Wiblo, Jr. « Adapted P : Mat 206 — 4I/, inches x 2 cols. (122 lines) — 30c Play “Minick s 41/4 inches (60 lines) — 15c /s ( eo ie Mat 110 43/, inches (67 lines) — 15c THE PERFECT PLACE TO GO...SEE— LACE AN OSS ?, * Ss DENNIS MORGAN ‘ STONESONNY BUPP J GLORIA DICKSON FRED STONE SONNY BUPP DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON Directed by Terry Morse Presented by WARNER BROS. Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr. Adapted from the Play “Minick,” by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman. A First National Picture 1/4 inches (18 lines) Directed by Terry Morse * Presented Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble & Fred Niblo, Jr.* Adapted from the Play “Minick”, by Edna Ferber & George S. Kaufman A First National Picture DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON 0 te" . OS Os It’s a surefire combination... when this lovable pair of kids gets together ..and in Dutch! TI ¢ + « o es 96%, O ) e.¢ 0 x 0 O *° \ ‘ . n Directed by Terry Morse Presented by WARNER BROS. Sereen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr. Adapted from the Play “Minick,” by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman. A First National Picture 74 J % AAA OK SONNY BUPP DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON 0 000 wy Directed by Terry Morse « Presented by WARNER BROS. Mat 109 Screen Play by Lee Katz, L Kimbi d Fred Niblo, Jr. : be Adapted from the Play “Alvis.” by Baa: ti sl tases $. port 3 V4 inches (45 lines) i ] 5c A First National Picture 2'/, inches (33 lines) +0. ¢. ¢ BOC ecu BOOK) rane I) +8 i) Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble & Fred Niblo, Jr.» Adapted from the Play “Minick”, by Edna Ferber & George S. Kaufman TWO ADS ON ONE MAT A First National Picture Mat 107 — 15c Mat 204 — 2!/, inches x 2 cols. (64 lines) — 30c Official Billing | Vitaphone Shorts PORKY'S PICNIC turns out to be no picnic when his naughty nephew goes WARNER BROS. 40% on a rampage and sends Porky and his sweetheart scurrying home. 4815 — Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% Looney Tunes — 7 mins. " “ WITNESS TROUBLE is a Grouch Club story of a hapless witness who be NO PLACE TO GO 100% comes so confused on the stand that things look black for him, not the defendant. 4911 — Vitaphone Varieties — 10 mins. with WILL OSBORNE AND ORCHESTRA turn on the heat and offer their own distinctive interpretations of the seasons newest song hits. A treat for DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DICKSON young and old. 4717 — Melody Masters — 10 mins. SNOW MAN'S LAND, in Technicolor, is the scene of red-blooded action FRED STONE as a comical Mountie whips off to get his man. And despite himself, winds up with the victim. A laugh-getter. 4523 — Merrie Melodies — 7 mins. Direct T irected by Terry Morse VERGE OF DISASTER; ‘0s told by Flayd Gibbens, is-thethrilling story of aalctad's the Play "Minick." a summer house torn from its moorings, its startled inhabitants, and how brite gece Gectae S grt Edag Ferber fate stepped into the rescue. 4313 — Your True Adventures — 10 mins. SEEING RED stars Red Skelton. His boss fires the flaming youth, but a Screen Play by Lee Katz, Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr. series of adventures afterwards, makes him regret it. Novel entertainment with the Merry Macs and A. Robbins, the clown. 4018 — Broadway Brevities A First National Picture — 20 mins. Page Three