On Trial(Warner Bros.) (1928)

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ADVERTISING —‘‘ON TRIAL” His Wife Said He Was Innocent! His Child Said This Man Was He Was Guilty! Accused! Sn, ang er T T or GUILTY? You'll have to sit with A WARNER BROS. Picture with roamed MARGARET LINDSAY JOHN LITEL iene EDWARD NORRIS JANET CHAPMAN JAMES STEPHENSON before you can decide if your vote would send NEDDA HARRIGAN . LARRY WILLIAMS pirectea by TERRY MORSE him free..or to the chair! Screen Play by Don Ryan @ From the Play by Elmer L. Rice Mat 30! — 6 inches x 3 cols. (255 lines) — 45c THIS AD ALSO AVAILABLE IN 2-COL. SIZE ORDER MAT 209 — 4 inches (112 lines) — 30c Suppose You Had To Decide: LIFE or DEATH For This Man Would you send him to freedom or doom? See the evidence...then cast your vote—as the most fascinating case of the year goes How Wil You Vote? GUILTY o: INNOCENT when this man goes MARGARET LINDSA JOHN LITEL EDWARD NORRIS + JANET CHAPMAN + JAMES STEPHENSON NEDDA HARRIGAN + LARRY WILLIAMS « Directed by TERRY MORSE Screen Play by Don Ryan From the Play by Elmer L. Rice A WARNER BROS. Picture Screen Play by Don Ryan * From the Play by Elmer L. Rice THEATRE Mat 110 Mat 108 4 inches (55 linus) — 15¢ 3% inches (45 lines) — 15c Lift This Page For Additiod Ateris—_™[_[_____——"""""> [4]