On Your Toes(Warner Bros.) (1939)

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FIRE YOUR with an IN RACE! Ve Conduct a toe race in front of your theatre along the lines of the one held at the Warner Bros. Studio during production of the picture. Members of the “On Your Toes” company were the contestants and the starter was Louis Zamperini, famous miler from U.S.C. You can limit your “On Your Toes Race” to local dancing schools (see letter at right) or enlarge it to include school children, members of local track teams, even adults. Contestants enter as teams or individuals, events are run as qualifying heats and finals or just plain races. Get some notables to act as starter and judges. Contact the local newspaper for feature stories and art. ON YOUR TOES OPENING GUN ATTENTION! BALLET TEACHERS Dear Friend: In connection with our forthcoming motion picture “On Your Toes’ starring Zorina, we intend to stage a competitive TOE RACE for amateur and professional ballet dancers. Would you be interested in co-operating with us to the extent of entering your classes and aiding us in creating a series of interesting prize awards for the winners of the various divisions? If this idea appeals to you, | would appreciate your suggestions and recommendations. Such an affair should get every one connected with it a lot of newspaper and word-ofmouth publicity. Thanking you for your kind attention, | am, Yours very truly, Signed Letter Sam Clark, Warner mid-west exploiteer, used in announcing his plans for the race. Pick up copy or adapt it to your needs. = qx kK k k= cncest SF CO-OP SHOPPING GUIDE GOOD WAY TO PLUG TITLE Promote a cooperative shoppers buying guide around the slogan: “Blanktown shoppers! Here’s how to stay ‘On Your Toes’!”” Contact your local merchants to be included in the guide. Individual ad copy stresses ‘‘on your toes! here’s a big bargain’’ angle. The shopping guides can be printed locally and distributed in stores, streets, letters, etc. or can be placed in cooperating newspaper or local publication. SHOPPING GUIDE MERCHANTS ALSO TIE IN WITH ‘FIND ZORINA’ HUNT While you are setting up the shopping guide arrange a “Find Zorina’’? hunt in cooperation with the same merchants. Announce through the ads in the guide, screen announcements, throwaways, etc. that a woman named “Zorina” will be present at certain times in these stores. She will be dressed entirely naturally except that she will be wearing a pair of ballet slippers. Persons identifying her receive prizes promoted from the merchants involved. oases Suggested layout for the shopping guide is shown at the left. Copy for your ads is indicated at top and bottom. Guides can be made up with an eye for appeal to special groups (to women, as this one is), or can be general. [3] ee =