On Your Toes(Warner Bros.) (1939)

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I. The ZORINA letters are free and clear for individual cutouts and mounting. Set one letter each day atop your marquee. Start six days before opening date to tease maximum interest in exactly what’s happening on the marquee—who “ZOR .. .,” “ZORI,” ete., can be. 2. Use largest figure for animated “shimmy” display. Set fluffy skirt over figure and have it move sideways to give impression that she is shimmying. Selling copy taken from ads completes display. THROWAWAYS SPELL 'ZORINA' Distribute throwaways containing one letter of Z-O-R-I-N-A. Award free tickets to your showing to persons submitting complete set of six letters spelling out her name. You can control the number of Annie Oakleys by limiting letter ‘‘Z”’ to twenty-five. GALS MATCH STAR'S TOOTSIES Paint Zorina’s footprints in whitewash on the sidewalk in front of your theatre or on a wooden platform set in the lobby and then award free tickets to women whose shoeprints match. CONTEST TO FIND BEST GAMS Zorina has been hailed by some Hollywood experts as the actress with the most beautiful legs in the movie capital. Sponsor contest to find the woman in town with the most shapely legs. Do the judging in the theatre and award free tickets to the winners. You can gag the stunt by running similar contest among the men. ZORINA-ALBERT DOUBLES GAG Take your tipoff from the angle in the picture that two youngsters play the parts of Zorina and Eddie Albert as children to stage a local doubles contest. Award prizes to boy and girl in town who most closely resemble the two stars of ‘On Your Toes.” Cooperating newspaper prints competing photos. Board of judges makes final selections and winners are announced on opening night of picture. Coming Up! Three National THE DREAMLINED ZORINA IS SOMETHING TO SELL! 2b. With careful trimming the four daneing figures of Zorina become available for individual lobby pieces or one set-piece. A. Largest figure can also be used in a kicking display. Left leg is set on a pivot and then kicks back and forth by means of an eccentric. 2). Trim the montage shots and mount them on a 40 x 60 in your lobby. Over or around them set a dancing figure of Zorina and the picture title. with the 24-Sheet (See 24-sheet and prices on Back Cover) DUCATS FOR ZORINA FIGURES Make a silhouette figure of Zorina to conform to these actual dimensions: height—5 ft., 5 in. ; bust — 34”; waist — 2314” ; hips — 34”; calf — 12”; ankle—8”. Set the outline against one of the doors opening on to the theatre. Invite women passersby to come to the door and if they fit the proportions of the figure exactly they step through the other side into the theatre and see the show free. “DATE WITH ZORINA” STUNT Print up the sheets of a couple of desk calendars and use them for general distribution around town wherever they'll do the most good. Copy reads: “You’ve got a date with ZORINA! in ‘On Your Toes’.”’ Add theatre and playdate at the bottom of the sheet. Sample shown above. Tie-ups to Boost Your Showing .