One Foot in Heaven (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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MAGAZINES e Two Big National Promotions Now Ready for Local Tie-ups! Let Them Go to Work for You! A full length feature story (opening pages illustrated at left) appears in PHOTOPLAY-MOVIE MIRROR Magazine, December issue, on the stands October 24th. In addition to the wide circulation this feature obtains, its Here’s Pre-Selling ACTION For Your Campaign! publication can be further exploited locally as follows: 1. All MacFadden magazine dealers are being contacted to cooperate with local theatres. See your dealer early about arranging co-op activities, such as posters on all newsstands and delivery trucks, wraparounds or tags on the December issue, regular picture heralds (see page 23) inserted in copies. 2. The cooperation of the army of 70,000 Liberty Magazine boy salesmen is assured. They will distribute heralds house-tohouse, set up your window and newsstand displays and in other Ways assist your campaign. 3. A PHOTOPLAY-MOVIE MIRROR institutional ad _ selling the “ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN” feature appears in various MacFadden publications with a total circulation of over 18,000,000. e The above is a reproduction of the two-page opening spread in PHOTOPLAY-MOVIE MIRROR. Get a copy of the December issue for lobby blow up. PRE-SOLD TO OVER ONE MILLION READERS IN... Parents’ Magazine Medal Award for November to ‘One Foot in Heaven’ as the Best Movie of the Month is more — much more — than just a tribute to a great picture. It means an invaluable exploitation boost for your showing — both by Parents’ Magazine and by your theatre. Here’s how: 1. Publicity art, a glowing review and a Beauty Department feature on Martha Scott appear in the November issue in addition to the Award announcement. Get this issue for blow-up of the various features for lobby display. 3. In addition to Parents’ Magazine, publicity and art is being carried in affiliated publications such as School Management and the Comic Group. Contact local distributors for newsstand displays. 4. Feature the Award in your program, 2. Current with national release over 250 publicity, advertising and in lobby. radio stations will broadcast reports and 5S. Get the cooperation of those groups BEST MOVIE OF THE MONTH reviews of “One Foot in Heaven” on the regular Parents’ Magazine program. Tie-in spot announcements immediately following this program locally. most influenced by the Parents’ Magazine choice — Board of Education, Better Films Council, Parent-Teacher Association, Churches, etc. 19