Outward Bound (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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en “OUTWARD BOUND’—A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production Plant This Unusual Cast Ad! The Talking Picture That Has Caused All the Talking— DoueLAs |S HELEN FAIRBANKS, Jr. | | CHANDLER as the Bo : as the Girl From the Play By Sutton Vane MERCER as the Charwoman Picturegoers, weary of stereotyped screen entertainment, have acclaimed it absolutely different from any other love story ever filmed! And critics have used only superla tives to describe it! | ALISON LOVE u SKIPWORTH as the Millionaire eee as the Snob Be = ZE% ALEC B. DUDLEY | LYONEL FRANCIS | DIGGS. WATTS | as the Steward. as the Examiner as the Minister Three-Column Ad—Style Q—Cut or Mat This unique ad clearly displays the brilliant players, all of whom are notables of the legitimate stage and screen. TRADE PAPERS EXTOL “OUTWARD BOUND” THE EXHIBITORS? DAILY REVIEW “Outward Bound” was previewed by a spellbound audience at the Hollywood last night. This picture is a distinct and noteworthy effort. Superbly staged, directed, photographed and acted, this production should cause widespread comment. FILM DAILY A tense breath-taking drama that marks another and a mighty big step forward in the progress of the screen toward the higher levels. It is just about the height of artistic achievement by the talkers thus far. While its appeal is primarily to the more intelligent audiences, the story depicted is sufficiently clarified to hit home with the average fan. Keen understanding, vivid imagination and a delicate sense of the ethereal... . It’s a picture to evoke rejoicing from the most fastidious.