Outward Bound (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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idl “OUTWARD BOUND’—A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production 23 EXPLOITATION SUGGESTIONS "YOU HAD A CHANCE TO LIVE LIFE OVER WHAT WOULD YOU DO? JOD IDEA FOR A NEWSPAPER CONTEST Use the following as a newspaper story introducing ‘est, offering prizes for the best five two-hundred aj on the subject, “IF I HAD A SECOND CHANCE” guncement of the contest: “Humanity from the dawn of istory—and probably from the awn of human intelligence—has sen concerned with a _ second tance, the opportunity to live zain so that the individual might TIE-UPS Card for shops selling trunks, traveling costumes, steamer rugs, fruits for steamer ets, flowers, would be as VS: OF YOURS IS “OUTWARD BOUND” stop here and get . as a token of a happy voyage. See “Outward Bound” at the BEFORE THAT FRIEND . Theatre OUTWARD BOUND “SOUGLAS, JR., .ST GAINING IN FAVOR 1 connection with the ~dliant work done by Douglas Fairbanks, ot., in “Outward Bound,” ask for letters of two hundred words telling why he is conntly gaining in favor—his many ‘“shments, etc. | profit by the mistakes of his life} Arrange with editor to rint the following with an-| on earth. Man has been prompted to better deeds and higher think-| ing by The strong popular appeal of Sutton Vane’s play, “Outward Bound,” which is now showing at the.... such aspirations. Theatre in a Vitaphone talking picture version by Warner Bros., is due in no small degree, I believe, to its concrete representation of the fulfillment of such a hope.” The speaker Alec B. Francis, the sympathetic and con was soling Scrubby of the film version of “Outward Bound,’ with a cast embracing Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Helen Chandler, Beryl Mercer, Lyonel Watts, Montagu Love, Dudley Digges, Alison Skipworth and Mr. Francis. “How often do we hear some one say, ‘If I had that to do over I would not do this or that, I’d do so,’ continued Mr. Francis. “We all feel that we could do better and accomplish more if we had a chance to profit thus and by our mistakes and what we have learned during life. ‘Outward Bound’ future in which mankind has his shows a second chance; in which he is judged understandingly for his own good, and not for vengeance because of his mistakes and sins in the flesh. The London clergyman who was so devoted to his job among London’s slums, finds he has his job in the other world; the charwoman who had ruined her son’s life by trying to make a gentleman of him by sending him away to be educated and hiding her identity from him, has a chance to look after him herself; her son gets his second chance because he realizes his unworthiness of a second chance. “The picture, ‘Outward Bound,’ in its philosophy and in its understanding of human needs, presents a picture of the future that brings something of comfort and hope to the world. That is why it was so popular on the stage and why it will have so strong an appeal in its screen version, especially since its “second chance appeal’ is bound up with a tender and dramatic story of love and devotion, so many noted names of the stage and screen in its cast.” with POSTER CUTOUT Mount on Compoboard and Place on Marquee Top “OUTWARD BOUND” has been endorsed by every organization having the good of the screen at heart! USE STILLS IN LOBBY AND IN PROMINENT WINDOWS No better attention-getter is to be found than an easel in lobby displaying character pictures of the cast, especially when the cast is a brilliant one as in “Outward Bound.” STILLS OF CAST Lersiiz Howarp O.B. Pub. A. Doue.as FAIRBANKS, JR. O.B. Pub. I. HELEN CHANDLER O.B. Pub. G. Beryt MERCER OB Pip. 1. Duprey Diccrs OB. Pub. 8: ALISON SKIPWORTH O.B. Pub. T. LYONEL Warts O.B. Pub. Q. Montacu Love OB Paulo; AueEc B. FRANCIS O.B. Pub. N. — Above stills to be had at your exchange or by writing. to Miss Ruth Weisberg, | care Warner Bros., 321 West 44th Street, New) York City. TALKING TRAILER ““Qutward Bound” is heralded by the most exquisite and fascinating of all talking trailers—no one who sees it will fail to see the Perfect Picture with the Perfect Cast! AT COST AT YOUR EXCHANGE GAY METAL-VELVET BANNERS DISPLAY “OUTWARD BOUND” Warner Bros. have arranged to supply modernistic banners of novel and effective creation for productions. The banner is two sheet upright. The background is heavy velvetlike cloth, on which is imposed pictorial work and lettering in brilliant gold and silver metal. Light is reflected from the metal in attractive glints. Although gold and silver is the prevailing metal, any other color can be used in combination with appropriate background. and _ eye-catching These futuristic banners sell to the exhibitor at $7.50 and will be available at exchanges when picture is booked into the various theatres. The banner can be used outdoors, in the lobby, or as a window attractor. ADVERTISEMENT 1-Col. Ad—Style T—Cut or Mat aoe.