Page Miss Glory (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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168,840 LINE AD CAMPAIGN Heading the season’s most intensive picads sized from 420 to 920 lines form a ture send-off is a ten day big-space camseries averaging over 7,000 lines to a paign aimed at 56,000,000 newspaper newspaper. Below is a list of key cities’ readers from coast-to-coast. Individual toppapers,inwhichthisset-up will break. Baltimore News-Post Los Angeles Herald Express Washington Times San Antonio Light Boston American Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph — Albany Times Union Syracuse Journal American Chicago American San Francisco Call Bulletin Atlanta Georgian American New York Journal Chicago Herald Examiner San Francisco Examiner Oakland Post Enquirer New York American Detroit Times Seattle Post Intelligencer Omaha Bee News New York Mirror Los Angeles Examiner Washington Herald Rochester Journal American | This marks the first time in the history of the music publishing business that any company has concentrated so heavily on the exploitation of a song. According to the most recent report, the ‘name’ bands and vocalists who have been lined up for national network plugs, set a new high for song promotion. COMPLETE CONSUMER MAGAZINE COVERAGE Full page ads in leading national publications tell 6,870,000 movie-goers to watch for local showings. Here are the magazines: Film Fun Screen Romances Modern Screen Motion Picture Movie Classic Movie Mirror Photoplay Picture Play Screenland Silver Screen Screen Play Tower Magazines NATION-WIDE 35-MONTH CONTEST For three months in advance of release date, Screenland magazine has been making its DICK POWELL The perfect screen sweetheart for Marion Davies ... and when he sings ‘‘Page Miss Glory”... the town’s in for a new thrill. 823,940 readers ‘‘Page Miss Glory”’ conscious. Aside from contest angle, plenty of space is devoted to direct star and picture plugs. Page Three