Page Miss Glory (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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Page Eight STORES GREET DAVIES If you can get department stores in town to place banners in window welcoming Davies to town, you'll be getting a good plug. Maybe they’ll even hold special sales in honor of the event. * GIANT CAKE IN LOBBY G i Va yf Here's a giant cake for your lobby welcome. If you’re good, you can get bakery to give it to you gratis. After the show, local debs can cut the cake and hand pieces to your patrons. = HOLD SOCIETY OPENING A Society opening with local big-wigs on hand to welcome Miss Davies should get you a bit of publicity in the papers. Think so? = FLOAT WELCOMES DAVIES A float ought to let ‘em know that you're playing the picture, and it adds another welcome home for Marion. a DISPLAY FROM OLD PIX You can get up a lobby display of stills from last Davies picture you played along with stills from this film. Caption to the effect that we welcome a new and more radiant Marion Davies. a PROMOTE ‘DAVIES DAY’ Maybe you can persuade Mayor to declare the opening day of the film ‘Marion Davies Day.’ Stores tie-up with special sales on this day, all in honor of Miss Davies’ return to your screen. & BIG SHOTS TELEGRAPH Try to get local big-wigs to send telegrams to theatre welcoming Marion back to town. You post ‘em on front for strollers to read. 10%, OF GROSS TO POOR Working on the charity angle, you might offer ten per cent of your receipts of one night to some local charity, to welcome Davies. If you can swing it, special performance with reserved seats should click. Charity committee takes care of ticket sales, and local papers will probably give it a big play. 2 BROADCAST FROM LOBBY New York Strand Theatre has used radio broadcasts from lobby on opening day with great success. Maybe you'd like to broadcast your opening ceremonies on this picture, welcoming Marion back to town. e : BANDS ‘PAGE MISS GLORY’ Try to get band leaders to play “Page Miss Glory,” welcoming Marion’s return to your screen. © FREE SHOW FOR ORPHANS You know that Marion Davies has always been keenly interested in charities. Take a tip from her and invite kids from orphanage to a free matinee in honor of her return to your theatre. & GREETING IN THE AIR Dough heavy? Then hire a sky writer to paint this over your town. % PAPERS WELCOME MARION If your drag with the paper is great enough, you may be able to persuade ye ed to run a streamer across the top of the movie page welcoming Marion back to your theatre. 8 BANNERS ON FRONT Don't forget banners for your front to welcome Marion back to theatre. Same goes for posters, heralds and all the rest. __ WELCOME HOME PARTY > Can you promote enough food from stores around town to enable you to throw a Welcome Home Party for Marion? Then all you have to do is buy some confetti and streamor to make it a go. The lobby’s the spot or it. ‘TESTIMONIALS IN LOBBY Maybe you'd like this lob your lobby. Remember to let Hizzoner the Mayor be the first to sign welcome message. Usher invites rest of folks to step up to put their Hancock’s on. While thinking about the lobby, can you get a florist to make a ‘Welcome’ wreath for it? @ SIGNS AT TOWN LIMITS by board testimonial in You can tack up signs at entrances to town. welcoming Marion to your city. Your playdate follows the welcome message. & TORCH PARADE WELCOME A bannered truck loaded with kids, sparklers and noise will look like an old-fashioned election parade when it wanders around town at night. Don't forget to play “Page Miss Glory” through the loudspeaker. * FREE HOSPITAL SHOW Tie in on the charity angle by staging a free show for hospital inmates. Don't forget to say that you're doing this in welcome of Miss Davies’ return to the screen. She’s always been very much interested in charity, you know. a FILM ARRIVAL CEREMONY How about a ceremony celebrating the arrival of the film? You might get a big shot to meet the train and carry film to car, bannered with “Welcome” signs. Car could then drive to theatre with film, perhaps even followed by a motorcycle escort, with sirens and all that goes with it. Not new, but...