Penrods Double Trouble (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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EXPLOITATION LOBBIES —BALLYS — NOVELTIES 4 eee aney TOWN’S HAPPIEST “MR. & MRS.” Penrod’s ‘ma’ and ‘pa’ in film is played by Gene and Kathleen Lockhart, popular team of stage, screen, and radio, and known as one of the happiest “Mr. and Mrs.” in the entertainment world. Find the happiest ‘Mr. and Mrs.”’ in your town. Run as a voting contest with ballots printed in newspaper. Ballots are clipped and deposited in lobby box. Photos of high vote getters are published from day to day. Winning couple receives prize at your theatre. Take advantage of the popularity of ‘“‘swing sessions” and conduct a ‘Big Apple Dance’ for youngsters at a special Saturday matinee. Send out invitations to all kids in town, inviting them to compete in the ‘shag,’ ‘peckin,’ ‘posin,’ ‘suzy-q,’ and other swing dances. Music can be supplied by swing band made up of local kids. You may be able. to tie stunt in with local dancing school. In return for free publicity, they award prizes to winners of dance contests. | rr _=—— ———— ; > ORGANIZE JUNIOR G-MEN CLUBS It’s the sort of club that all kids will be interested in. Organize through announcements on screen, publicity stories, ads, heralds distributed in schools. Supply members with badges (see novelties below) and membership cards. Conduct treasure hunts, visits to detective bureau, police department, fingerprinting bureau, etc. Junior G-Men can hold their meetings at your theatre. Speakers from police and safety departments are invited to address kids. THRU THE LOOKING GLASS Pair of twin boys spend time in your lobby, facing each other with a frame between them. One mimics the other to give the effect that it’s just one kid looking in the mirror. After a few minutes one fails to mimic, giving away illusion. Title of picture, billing, and playdates appear over the mirror. CARNIVAL LOBBY Set off section of lobby and dress it up as a miniature carnival, with youngsters invited to try their skill at various games — strengthtesting machines, dart games, toy rifle ranges, etc. DOUBLE ‘REWARD’ POSTERS Photos of Billy and Bobby Mauch are placed side by side on ‘Wanted’ posters. ‘Reward’ is printed over photos, and this copy underneath: ‘“Wanted— Anybody who can tell these two apart. They're double in looks, pranks, and trouble. Go to the Strand: and collect your reward at once.”’ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF JUNIOR G-MEN FINGERPRINTING TEST Take advantage of the current trend towards fingerprinting all citizens. Set up apparatus in lobby and invite patrons to have their fingerprints taken, Stunt is worked in cooperation with local detective bureau or police department. Handled in an official way, it is bound to attract attention. CHECK YOUR DOG Announce that you have a dog nursery for anyone who wants to check his dog durring the show. Patrons give dogs to attendants who place them in vacant store “PENROD’S DOUBLE TROUBLE" Best scores receive guest tickets to your show. [THEATRE IMPRINT | JUNIOR G-MEN BADGE made of heavy cardboard. Prices: 500, $3.50; 1M, $6.00; 3M, $5.50 per M; 5M, $5.00 per M. BOY-DOG BALLY Youngster leads dog on leash through busy section of town. Sign on side of dog reads: ‘“‘We’re looking for ‘Penrod’s Double Trouble’.”’ Sign on kid carries billing and playdates. 225 WEST 39th STREET All prices F.0.B. New York City. Order from ECONOMY NOVELTY COMPANY near theatre where provisions are made to keep them clean and out of danger. ¥ : SKULL CAP made of col -ored cloth, in white and red. Prices: 10 to 100, 8¥ac ea.; 100 to 250, Tac ea.=250 to 500, 634c ea. Theatre imprint $1 extra, free for quantities over 100. G-MEN PARADE — Round up kids for a Saturday morning parade to your theatre. You might be able to get school band to head the procession. Kids carry EW tee SITY bannérs with picture’s title. So — sassassaaSSaaaa ;