Personal Maids Secret (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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CONVULSING CONFESSIONS! EXCRUCIATING EXPOSURES! DELIRIOUS DISCLOSURES! SHE MAKES GOSSIP COLUMNISTS TURN GREEN WITH ENVY... AND WILL YOUR FACE BE RED as this intimate confidante of debutantes spills the laughing low-down on society's higher upper-crust in PERSONAL MAID’'S EGRET convulsingly confided to you by MARGARET LINDSAY e WARREN HULL ANITA LOUISE e RUTH DONNELLY A Warner Bros. Hit THEATRE 303 Lines Mat No. 301—30c Warner Bros. Hit with MARGARET LINDSAY WARREN HU LL ANITA LOUISE RUTH DONNELLY ment lig lady Ant ee eg Asan Rarer meee —— THEATRE. 88 Lines Mat No. 107—10c ‘CONVULSING — _ CONFESSIONS | OF TH SHE MAKES GOSSIP COLUMNISTS TURN GREEN WITH ENVY... AND WILL YOUR FACE BE RED 4 é: as this intimate confidante of debu: tantes spills the laughing low-down / ‘ on society's higher upper-crust in PERSONAL MAID’S STEIGER convulsingly confided to you by MARGARET LINDSAY e WARREN HULL ANITA LOUISE e RUTH DONNELLY —— | THEATRE 132 Lines Mat No. 204—20c | 68 Lines Mat No. 106—10c Page Three