Personal Maids Secret (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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© fxploitati @ Funniest Maids Letters See if you can get the newspaper to announce a contest for the funniest letters written by maids. Such letters have made a big hit in “The New Yorker” and no doubt you'll get plenty of funny ones. The story below will do for the announcement. Letter Your Maid Left You May Win Theatre Tickets The girl who worked for the Jones family quit yesterday. She was a good girl and Mrs. Jones hated to lose her. But what could the Mistress do, when the girl packed her belongings and departed, leaving a note to explain her actions? It read: “You know they had a shake-up in the police, and my boy friend has been sent to a beat too far away for him to come here for lunch.” Even Mr. Jones, who had unknowingly been supplying lunches for a limb of the law for many months, laughed. Kitchen maids and the letters they have left behind them have become important literary products. Some magazines even run special departments about them. Perhaps you were left a letter when the maid in your house walked out. If you’ve got one, swell. It may be worth a lot to you. Read it again, and if it’s as funny as you thought it was, send it to the “Personal Maid” Contest Editor of the.................. (newspaper). DOLOTOs = oa... eat Rene If it’s one of the 10 funniest submitted, you’ll win twortieketsuto {thence 5 tice~teeie: . cies Theatre to see Warner Bros. hilarious comedy of housemaids and their lives and loves, “Personal Maid’s Secret,” which COMES tOs UCma aes THEAtre-OMe A es ees Nearly everyone who employs household help has received such letters sometime or other. Now they’re good for an evening of laughter and thrills with Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull, Anita Louise and Ruth Wonneliyratether aes tte ee Theatre. TRSONAL maiD RECONNE NT ect A WARNER Ros. PICTURE wt) ATRE IN\PR HEAL: THe FOR ENJOYN e Zl This milk bottle hanger is die cut on heavy stock. Ideal for tie-ups with milk companies. Prices including imprint: $5 per M; 5M —$4.50 per M; 10M or more—$4 per M. Order direct from: ECONOMY NOVELTY CO. 225 West 39th St. New York City @ Maids Night In Theatre Is Thursday night accepted as maid’s night off? If so, announce that night as “Maid’s Night” at your theatre. Carry mention in ads, lobby and publicity release. @ Tea At Your Matinee For week before picture opens have a young woman dressed as a maid to serve tea in lobby. Local tea distrib or grocery store might furnish tea for tieup. With each cup hand out a paper napkin reading: “Compliments of the Strand’s personal maid. Don’t miss ‘Personal Maid’s Secret,’ coming to this Theatre ° © Recipe Contest For Maids Think you can induce the women’s page editor to run a recipe contest for maids? Winning howto-make-it ought to be good for story. Free tickets for this show to winner. © Household Hints Contest For a newspaper contest, prizes for best letters on household hints. Easy ways of cleaning pots and pans and household economies could be used for subjects. Of course, contest should be open to housewives as well as maids. UNIQUE LOBBY DISPLAY Like this giant key-hole for lobby? It’s very simple to copy. Cut it out of compo-board then place stills and copy behind it. Patrons are invited to peep, at which time they are made aware of your attraction. Stunt can be worked in another way, if you prefer. By enlarging key hole and using transparency for your message. Lights behind flash on and off, giving display animation. 100K THROUGH THE KEYHOLE AND SEE TE ®@ Personal Maid’ On Beauty Hints Below are two feature stories containing beauty hints, written by the “Personal Maid.” Can you plant ’em in local paper? Personal Maid’s Secret on Lovely Nails Revealed Here by the Personal Maid Look at your nails! Are they as lovely as they might be? If the answer is “No,” the blame rests entirely on you. Even if you excuse yourself by saying that you can’t afford innumerable manicures, you’re still in the wrong, because a girl’s nails can be kept lovely without visiting a professional manicurist more than once every 10 days or two weeks. Perhaps your nails are very brittle, breaking off and cracking at the least provocation. In that case, I have the perfect solution: Just soak your nails in warm olive oil for fifteen minutes a night until the condition is-remedied. After that, ’'d advise you to soak them once every week or ten days, so that the brittleness doesn’t return. For ordinary care of the nails, however, I advise the use of emory board every morning to preserve the smoothness of the ovals. Then, every 10 days or so, treat yourself to a professional manicure, so that your cuticles receive the proper care, the polish is carefully applied, and the form of the nails is preserved. Although I prefer a light polish, you may desire a deeper tint. But remember this: While a light tint is becoming with any color outfit, the darker shades are only effective when bright colored dresses are worn. (Insert picture plug and playdate here.) The Personal Maid Tells How You Can Plan Your ‘Beauty Day’ by the Personal Maid For years I’ve been employed as personal maid to young women, and I have a great deal of knowledge on how they take care of their appearance. So I’d like to give you a typical ‘beauty day’ in a young lady’s life. Immediately after arising, do deep breathing exercises for a few minutes. Then, a quick cold shower to stimulate circulation and thoroughly awaken you. After that, cleanse your teeth and nails, apply your make-up and arrange your hair. Then eat a good, hearty breakfast. Before lunch, it is wise to go over your make-up and hair. Don’t hurry with your lunch, but eat slowly —and plenty, for hurried lunches are often responsible for nervousness and indigestion, which always reflect on your appearance. Before retiring, remove all make-up with cold cream. Then, I advise brushing your hair for at least five minutes. As you know, brushing is very healthy for your hair, and you can’t do it too much. To top off your beauty preparations, take a hot bath, using a high grade soap. Then to bed, for at least eight hours of sleep. (Insert picture plug and playdate here.) @ Find The Best Maid In Town Think you can pull a “Best Maid” contest? Idea is for maids to write in telling of their unusual qualifications. Ducats for best letters. @ Gag Radio Conversation For a radio stunt, two gossips could be talking about a bit of scandal. Conversation could be along these lines: FIRST GOSSIP: Did you hear about Mrs. Brown? She has... SECOND: Yes! And isn’t it terrible the way she went and... FIRST: And her husband doesn’t suspect a thing! She’s actually ... ANNOUNCER: Now, now! Wait just a minute! It’s not fair telling “The Personal Maid’s Secret.” You'll find out all about it if you go to the Strand Theatre now and see Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull and Anita Louise in “Personal Maid’s Secret.” @ Maids Contest On Stage You know Thursday night is conventionally maids’ night out. As a sort of celebration, you could have a stage contest, finding the best looking maid, the best dressed maid—or perhaps a maids’ amateur night. Sure it’s a peak stunt . . . that’s why it might click. MINIATURE PHOTOS Imitation photos of Warren Hull are available printed on glossy stock, and measuring 4” by 6”. Prices, including selling copy and your imprint on reverse side: $3.50 per M; 5M—$3.00 per M; ane or more—$2 per Order direct from: ECONOMY NOVELTY CO. 225 West 39th St. New York City © Blow Up Personal Maids Diary In your lobby, you could have a blow-up of a page from the Personal Maid’s diary. Written in a fem inine hand, it could read like this: October 7. Got up this morning to find Miss Alice in a terrible state. It seems that this Mr. Stone wanted her to run away with him last night. She’s terribly upset, because she thinks she loves him, but she doesn’t .. . The page ends there, and caption says: “Come to this theatre and find out the “Personal Maid’s Se cret,” with Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull and Anita Louise. USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS Warren Hull, star of “Personal Maid’s Secret,” now playing at the Strand Theatre, knows the secret of finding’ efficient household help. He reads ‘Classified Ads.’ The classified section of this paper is designed to give you the greatest service with the least effort on your part. Like above set-up? If newspaper does too, order Still No. Warren Hull Pub M—10c. Page Five